Taurus, you are so busy, with so many responsibilities it makes my head spin. And you’re doing it! Bringing, with the lunar eclipse full Moon approaching this Monday, March 25, great, positive shifts in career and employment. And we’re talking future paid employment appearing. Bravo.
At the same time, because the Libra eclipse occurs in your sixth house, attention also needs to be paid to your health and how your current daily regimen is affecting said health.
Not to worry, this eclipse is penumbral, a Libra eclipse, and not particularly dramatic – more subtle in action. But it still places you so much more firmly on your work path. And because Mercury is retrograde almost the whole month of April, there is much PAST associated with your work, and this is to be honored. Many of you beautiful bulls have done a recent / current project as a project of love. And because of Saturn in your eleventh house – and now Mars as of today (March 23) – with your ruler Venus and visionary Neptune, this project of yours establishes a legacy for you, one linked to humanitarian ideals.
The rewards will be threefold. If not fourfold.
You establish paid employment for yourself from your main profession. A loved one comes bearing a gift, a kind of ritualistic heirloom or artifact which possesses special meaning for you. And a huge – submerged – part of you is restored and rises again to the surface. Yay, Taurus.
A fantastic break, really, as you move into this new month. Love runs more smoothly. Obstacles fall away from the roadside. Pressure falls from your – very sore now – shoulders. And yes, Time for a massage.
This is a go-with-the-flow time when you’re atop a wheel of fortune which can turn any which way, so you need all the comfort and support you can get. Yes, it might be scary. But you are brave, and you have endured much – and you have survived worse.
But, darling Taurus, you’re overwhelmed, and until April 19, may continue to be more tired than usual – and this is to be expected. Everything is in your twelfth house of rest and retreat! Once the Sun moves into your sign of Taurus April 19, it’s a whole different ballgame. But until then, my dear, you must take more rest, more breaks for yourself, and blocks of time alone. The solitude energy of the twelfth house is particularly healing and replenishing.
For in your twelfth house of psychological healing, traditionally ruled by dreamy Pisces, you have this awesome array of heavenly bodies:
Awesome shining everlasting Sun
Laser beam thinker and speaker Mercury (in retrograde April 1 – April 25)
Gorgeous Homecoming Queen, lovey Venus – your ruler – after April 5
A solar eclipse new Libra Moon Monday, April 8
And my favorite asteroid, our wounded healer Chiron, which gives energy to tap into the wisdom brought about by our pain and hardships – yes, it is there – and to access that wisdom.
The twelfth house rules the unconscious and the past, and the ideas and healing they produce. Behind the scenes is where it’s AT. The eclipse on April 8 brings about an illumination of the highest order which will help in a creative or healing project. (Some are both.) Whether it be for a manuscript or start-up or musical creation, you will access brilliant ideas and solutions from your unconscious.
Monday, April 8, this total solar eclipse – visible in most of South and North America – new Moon in Aries – occurs in your twelfth house of healing, ideas, and visions!
Some people may feel conspicuously absent, but they will be back. You are more admired and loved than you realize.
Career-wise, things start to heat up after the middle of April. After April 18, through the rest of the month, you are restored to your full power – and glory. With Jupiter blessing your sign and your first house, YOU are the lucky product, YOU are the selling piece. You find that you have more balls in your court than you knew. This gives you greater asking power as well as a wonderful feeling of confidence.
After mid-April, you are able to plan more future. But keep your mind in the present now. Cease to think of what has gone before. All is very different ahead.
Give the future a chance. Let it be new and changed. You achieve a rare inner peace when you are able to do this.
Until then, enjoy your work reputation which is making a steady comeback. You have been working hard, hard, hard.
This you have been worried about.
But you can quit worrying.
It is also time to D-E-L-E-G-A-T-E more, and to stop trying to do it all by yourself.
So much is happening just at the end of March – without even beginning April yet! – that you need a nap just to get to the weekend.
For this weekend, it should be a lovely weekend…Harmony reigns.
Then, following this, you will feel bounced in different directions. But hang in there, and you will see a transformation that pleases you to no end.
For this is a superb time to create and to heal. You will have seriously creative brain-storming sessions which will produce brilliant ideas.
Whether you are an artist or a business person or a home-maker, you will “see” that amazing design, you will conceive that start-up masterpiece, you will make your house or apartment even more beautiful than it is now.
Enjoy, dear Taurus.
And your secret weapon this April? Feel entitled to be beautiful and loved. Because you are.
Happy Spring, dear Taurus!!
Are you ready for your private reading, sweet Taurus?
I am finally cancer-free, and giving readings again!
Please click here to email my assistant Viola: viola@madalynaslan.com
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