Invited by Peggy Guggenheim’s granddaughter, Madalyn serves as The Guggenheim Museum’s resident clearer.

Madalyn at The Guggenheim
Drawing up charts for clients and properties, Madalyn locates exactly where energy needs clearing. She smudges with salvia sage, from salvere meaning TO HEAL. No space is too spacious, nor too small. From Firle Place in Sussex (5,000 acres), to a haunted laundry room which had Countess von Bismarck’s maids terrified: Madalyn makes it right.
New York high-end hotels are now recognizing that sageing a room is as important as cleaning it with chemical products – with the magnificent Mandarin Oriental leading the way! Thanksgiving 2021, and again in 2023, Madalyn did some of the most important healings and sageings she has ever done, at the Mandarin Oriental.

Madalyn at Cornell University
Madalyn’s Iroquois grandmother taught her to sage when she was 4 years old. Later at Cornell she saged her dorm during finals for everyone’s best grades. In her senior year, Albert Hadley traveled upstate to have a reading. Thus began Madalyn’s work with interior designers.
Transitions are crucial times for clearings. The day before Frances Lear passed, she invited Madalyn to clear her home at The Pierre. Upper East Siders Uma Thurman, Elise Frick, and Diana DiMenna – friends since 1990 – soon joined Madalyn’s clientele.
Learn the feng shui of your home. Is your health where the bidet is? No wonder your energy’s going down the toilet! Is your wealth in your storage? Your money will never move. Is your love buried in the closet? Remember… Prosperity is located in your Southeast corner. Health is next to that, by the front door. Love is located in the furthest back right corner.
Asked to clear a townhouse on East 71st Street, Madalyn made it sell faster. You may recognize this from Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Madalyn located the problem – yep, Southeast corner! – 5th floor bathroom – and it sold the very next morning. ($15.9 million.) Madalyn often helps brokers sell for higher.
Genevieve Gorder debuted Madalyn’s clearings on HGTV, and they became a thing. Making costly renovations go faster, saving owners a ton. And it all began with Genevieve’s BFF who saw Madalyn read on Oprah…

Madalyn clearing Genevieve’s Chelsea duplex

Friends and clients for 17 years

Madalyn’s psychic mother
The New York Post credits Raoul’s success to Madalyn’s clearing of Soho’s most iconic French restaurant every year since 1994. Read The New York Times article or see the New York Post video on youtube.

Owner Serge Raoul with Madalyn in 2023
And now, clearing for everyone! It’s 2024, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is ceremoniously smudged on live TV, and Coach Phil Jackson continues sageing his winning team’s locker room every season.
Heal with Madalyn!
Questions? Please email Madalyn’s assistant Viola at
or call 212-631-5844