With so much planetary activity in your fifth house, P is for passion and parties, both will fill July, and give you a lot of pleasure – if you allow it.
You have taken on a LOT and you’re feeling the heat. But with ruler Neptune turning retrograde in your own sign July 1, when you accept social invitations, you actually reduce your stress and lift your spirits. Inner stress is the only warning I see this July. Of course this affects everything, physical and otherwise.
Dear Pisces, I know you don’t want to wait anymore for your prize job / dream or for it to get easier. Both need to happen this Summer. But it really is best to step back and to be objective. What are your long term goals here? You’ve already achieved so much by leaving the creative job for the non-creative job so you can actually create more in your own life.
See…Pisces are often shown as weepy beings fluttering handkerchiefs at dolphins-at-play. Not so! Pisces women can be the strongest, toughest and most durable broads on the planet.
And Pisces men still make up the greatest number of self-made billionaires.
So don’t follow your stereotype this July. Be bold and grounded. Push yourself out there. Perform and promote.
You are embarking on something new and exciting, and it’s your job to make sure it gets done. You have a lot of earth power right now, which is nice. Keep in touch with nature to keep that power regenerated.
As you approach the new Moon of Friday, July 5, a huge culmination of contacts make themselves available for you.
Whereas, perhaps they – as in parents – were supposed to be taking care of YOU (many a Pisces fights a financial battle), you find this month that you may actually be taking care of THEM.
Your ruling planet Neptune has the strongest winds of any planet in the solar system – 1,500 miles per hour. Pisces, more than any other sign, can feel battered by life’s winds!
This month dot every I and cross every T, and make sure everything gets done. Stay on the ground and use your planet for its psychic abilities.
Not only are you psychic, but July is the beginning of months actually bringing you BACK energy.
Dreams can be realized, and you won’t starve at the same time.
What could be better than that?
You finally get your dream.
In love – single Pisces, you meet someone at month’s end, attached Pisces, your love only grows stronger. Your fifth house of true love and romance is spectacularly blessed with the Sun, Venus, Mercury and that lovely new Moon on July 5.
Your cup will overflow. Fun activities and friends are making their way into your life and it’s time to take the plunge and embrace the new. You’ve been worrying about work and finance so long that it’s not even funny anymore.
No matter that you are – still, after all this time – worried about losing your home, or feeling existential angst, or frustrated by all the idiots in the world – your cup will still overflow.
That should save you ten years of expensive therapy about why the world is sometimes so disappointing. (Why the break-ups, all of it.) Special healing. From me to you!
Now to get on with your month of July, a fun fifth house month. August is the work month.
There is a conflict between what you want to do, and what you feel you must do. Play versus Work. Marriage versus Affairs. Self versus Selflessness.
Don’t you know that Pisces rules film, poetry, and images? With your ruling planet Neptune is in the sign it rules – yours – Pisces, in your first house, this is your forte, your brilliant ideas.
As I said in a recent horoscope – I’m so sorry to know many of you felt the air was knocked from your stomach by an unfair professional action.
Uranus had the world throwing you unexpected curve balls.
You may feel that people have been letting you down all over the place. Or as if, sometimes, you are losing your mind. (I have that, too.)
Not to worry! All is crystal clear then in the structure of your work-relationships. No more spats, public or private. You are done with fighting. You have two bodies retrograde in your sign of Pisces, your ruler Neptune and Saturn, and you are, no doubt, tired of it. Enough conflict.
Mid-month you do well both in terms of friends and professional associates; in fact, the two will mix and bring friendships with career benefits. Bask in the full Moon on Sunday, July 21 as it bathes your primal resting-place, the ocean, and as it lights up your eleventh house of dreams and ideals.
No one has greater or more beautiful dreams than a Pisces.
It’s just up to you how you manifest those dreams in your real life. For now, ask for and receive help from those around you. People are more willing to help you than you expect.
Ironically August – the month so many people take off – is your month of real work. So I would let yourself enjoy this last month of July and try to think of a way to make more money – or it will impinge upon your financial relationships with others – and how to feel better about yourself.
Give it a whirl, dear Pisces. And enjoy being surrounded by people mid-July. It’s a great time for you to go to a party! I see you lit up by light and being congratulated by people. A professional resolution is reached.
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Pisces?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola: viola@madalynaslan.com
Murmuring by miriads in the shimmering trees.
Wakening with wonder.
– July 1914 by Wilfred Owen
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