Perhaps unusually, you’re in a better position than most signs of the zodiac for the month of July. And once feisty Mars leaves your fourth personal house July 20, most of the Sturm and Drang in your life will be over. This drama has directed your life for long enough.
But now, in the most positive way, your life resembles a circus. As Nobel Prize Winner John Steinbeck (Aquarius Jupiter) wrote in The Grapes of Wrath, “Every morning you build it up, and every night, you tear it down.” You’re doing huge foundation work for your future. This also describes relationships with partners / co-workers – which can be exhausting.
Your superpowers are restored however when, as I said, Mars leaves your fourth house for your fifth – where he’s much happier. After this point, after July 20, you begin to feel more control (less like you’re living in a circus every day), and you even feel your summer is off to a fantastic start! Best friends come forward and back to help.
You just need to be patient when it comes to love. Luck is in the cards for you where home and property affairs are concerned and profitable opportunities will present themselves to you throughout the year.
Mid-month, family is more supportive of you if you are very clear about what you want and need. By that weekend mid-month everyone will be in party mode and you should relax by some gentle waves. Single or attached, a new romantic partner presents him-or-herself to you. Decide where you want to go with that because the ball is in your court.
As discouraging as this decision may feel all this effort pays off fabulously in your career life. I’m just sorry you had to be kept waiting, dear Aquarius.
Remember, you have the temperamental genius placement.
Destiny is all about timing, and yours happens at special times. Did you ever really doubt it?
Plan for an inspirational thought-fest with the inspirational full Moon on Sunday, July 21. Aquarius creatives make sure you write down whatever comes to you – it will be awesome! (Remember, Aquarius is the sign of invention and genius.)
Now let’s look at the planetary line-up from now until the end of July.
Money. All the desired funds have not yet come in. There is a bit of a wait. In your second financial house, Saturn turns retrograde June 28, and Neptune turns retrograde July 1. These make the wait longer.
The funny thing is, I see you having a whale of a time this summer. You quit worrying about it. What else can you do for this short period of time?
Thus, take a break from worrying about how you look and how you appear. It’s only fitting you should relax for a while – let’s say, for the summer?
You have been through a lot and now is the time to relax a bit, and take a break. To get ready for the next chapter (following a relaxing summer) – a move or lifestyle change.
For now, handle the everyday, and what you have to do. Work and take care of the house. There will be work for you to do. No far-reaching plans or faraway horizons as you take a break for summer.
In your sixth house of service you have: Almighty, life-giving Sun, brilliant Mercury, beautiful Venus, and a lovely new Cancer Moon on Friday, July 5.
Lots to do and someone up there is smiling down upon you favorably – you are handed a new work assignment at the beginning of July.
Single Aquarius: I see dating and plenty of sex. Nothing serious until the end of July. There’s simply too much for you to do and concentrate on now. You are an independent, individual spirit who cannot be hemmed in my anyone’s rules.
Coupled Aquarius: I see romantic and playful. There are practical things to discuss but wait until July begins to really start sorting through those. Your relationship which has just reached a new level – reaches another new level next month (I will discuss this in next month’s horoscope.) You keep growing together! Stagnant bond, this is not.
By mid-month, however in love you are (or aren’t), you are going to want some time alone. A full Moon in Capricorn lights up your twelfth house of secrets and solitude and it just might be a time to lie somewhere, curled up with a book.
Space and time alone are, I believe, crucial for good thinking. And you will get a good dose of this mid-July, which will soothe the charged atmosphere you feel surrounding your work.
Then continues a blissful time. No more worrying. You can do it.
Remember, your ruler Uranus is definitely the rebellious oddball of the solar system. It is the only planet that lies on its side instead of standing straight up. Probably to get a totally different worldview, like yours!
It was discovered in 1781, when revolutions were all over the place. The American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution – Uranus changes things, for sure! It’s happening again now. The British Revolution. You’ll see.
And you, Aquarius, you can expect your own inner revolution to start around July’s end when a completely new routine starts, and kicks off the rest of a great summer!
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Aquarius?
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Murmuring by miriads in the shimmering trees.
Wakening with wonder.
– July 1914 by Wilfred Owen
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