You leave April crying – Mercury retrograde in your travel house April 1 to 25 means delays in the great getaway you’ve been desperately needing – and then May is glorious! You experience a “comeback” at work, a second chance. As May gets going, it’s all happening in your top tenth house of life path and career. Beautiful achievement and public recognition, among the greatest joys you’ve ever felt. Life is a rum old business, isn’t it?
A somewhat chastised lioness, brought to her knees by the world passing by, is SO much more powerful than the young, unaware, and arrogant lion king. (I’m not judging genders: the analogy is that you’re both of these.)
May represents the first step to a goal, and if that step is repeated, it will cover great distances. Think of this month as a step to your future fulfillment. Slow and steady is the way now, work a day at a time, and let go of pictures bigger than a day.
The spectacular effects will be visible most immediately in your career. Here you are sizzling.
And like a true royal, you are always in service. You can never – or rarely – take a sick day. Leos have the fewest sick days of any sign of the zodiac. Unless they’re sad (Leo rules the heart). Then they’re laid low.
But look at what you have in your public success house!
Shining powerhouse Sun – your natural ruler
Fortunate planet of love and beauty Venus
Lotto lucky Jupiter
Genius sudden Uranus, bringing events most unexpectedly
A new Taurus “money” Moon on Tuesday, May 7
Laser beam thinker Mercury as of Wednesday, May 15
And your public tenth house, traditionally ruled by ambitious Capricorn, rules:
Your career
Your public reputation
Professional acclaim
Your public image
Higher-ups: the people with money in your world
The Jackpot
What you are striving to be like
And so often – your MOTHER
This is a potent time for making strong and important new contacts. Particularly around the new public money Moon on Tuesday, May 7. Mingle! Mark this date in your calendar!
Your ruler the Sun is set to move into your social eleventh house on Monday, May 20. Notice then how your social circle widens, and also those you count as close friends.
You are invited – by special invitation – to join prestigious organizations and clubs. To make your mark, to create your own foundation and legacy.
You are also invited to dozens of parties as May gets underway. Create your own gathering if there isn’t one already available.
Career-wise, you’re in a very strong position, possibly more powerful than you even know. You, of course, do all the work, but you are also the ethicist. You decide on the goodness of things.
You use your power for good; this is very clear in 2024.
So Congratulations, Leo. It’s all happening in your tenth house of career and public reputation, and you are about to zoom forward, even with someone or something that fell through in the past. Success!
You’ve been waiting, and you’ve been very strong.
Look up at the night sky on Tuesday, April 23. You will see Tuesday’s violently beautiful full Scorpio Moon in your fourth house. It has been both violent and beautiful in your house. Family and household members causing trouble? The matter can be resolved – or reach culmination – at this time.
Everything will go better at home after this resolution. Trust it.
Economizing will be the order of the day in terms of resolving this. As well as having a heart-to-heart with said household member.
Be aware that planet of illusion Neptune is casting its rosy tint into your eighth house of shared resources and finances. So stay realistic and sensible here. You may not be seeing clearly, and some of this may be by your own conscious decision.
Don’t let fear make you over-confident this time. You know what to do. Stay steady – even as a rising mogul – and appreciate every step of your climb, and maintain your heart rate. (Which could easily skip a beat. Leo rules the heart.)
Employ it all, particularly as May’s second week begins, and your accomplishments are emphasized. Public you knows how to do it right this time. Wisely. More practically.
Interestingly, where Uranus is in your chart is where you can be crazy about doing things your own way. And you can stumble a bit here, too. Uranus is not smooth. So with Uranus in your tenth career house until July 2025: what are you going to do? Do you work with a representative / go-between / agent / manager / again or do you go your own way?
This is the million dollar question, and you need to think about it clearly.
Of course you end up with someone foreign! But I see this person developing as a friend most of all.
It’s all part of the pattern, dear Leo. You are nurturing.
Whatever great gift you are taking care of, you need internal time for it to do its thing.
Prepare for the unexpected. An end will come about – it may feel like a death – which makes way for a new beginning.
Stay calm when you are having discussions about this as everyone is likely to be emotional.
I haven’t even got to the most exciting part. With the new Moon on Tuesday, May 7, you can take a professional project as far as you dare.
There is no stopping you now. You are flying, and I doubt you will land – not for a long while – especially with a new project you begin on or around this new profitable Moon in your most high-profile house.
You are at your persuasive exquisiteness this month and can talk anyone into doing just about anything. Just remember that wise adage, be careful what you wish for…And stay, healthy, on earth.
And to end with even more wonderful news – your life spirit becomes stronger and stronger through the month of May and, raring to go in true competitive style, you triumph in your career.
May is a dramatic month, to be sure, but just how Lions like it. Full of big fat surprises and beautiful scenarios, exciting touch-contact, and yes, improvements in finances.
Remember what a great reality this is, dear Leo – and you, its Creator. Creator of love.
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Leo?
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