It’s been a long time. 12 years! Since Jupiter was last in Taurus and in your twelfth unconscious house. Think about that period of your life and which decisions you made then; 2011 – 2012. One decision you made at that time really stuck, didn’t it? And doesn’t it still make you happy?
Trust yourself, Gemini.
This is a lesson you profit from all the way through May 25, 2024, which is how long lucky Jupiter remains in your twelfth house.
And as long as you trust yourself, you can tell the truth.
Join an online self-help Anonymous group – like AA or Narcotics Anonymous or AlAnon (you take care of everyone else but not yourself: pure co-dependency issues) or Debtors Anonymous (insane credit card debt), or Anonymous for Sex Addicts – where everyone tells wonderfully grisly stories of their lives – after December 26, when Chiron goes direct in your eleventh house of friends, social circles and community. Or simply begin a good therapy course.
You have been trying so hard to fit in, but to tell you the truth, at times it’s felt like a pressure, hasn’t it? You just can’t be all things to all people.
So, tell the truth. And you will be so relieved by the end of January!
You are such a brilliant analyst – but you drive yourself crazy over-thinking, dear one.
Aristotle, a brainiac like you, wrote:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an art, but a habit.
So what do you most do every day? Worry? Have a think on that, dear one.
Now let’s focus on when 2023 ends and 2024 begins:
Due to the planets’ set up in your eighth house you want to be your oldest, wisest self. 2024 is a lot about Gemini giving up being like a teenager, and finding fun and freedom in other creative ways!
With the majority of planets in your eighth house of merging resources and intimacy, you’re concerned about loved ones, as well as seeking out new financial arrangements. In this complex house you have:
The ever-giver of life, the Sun
Sexy, powerful Mars
Brilliant thinking-and-talking Mercury – your speedy ruler – from January 13
A Capricorn New Moon on January 11
And revolutionary Pluto – UNTIL January 20, when Pluto finally leaves your eighth house for your ninth house. Finally.
No more shocks and shake ups financially when it comes to another / others. You had such a recent shock lately. After January 20, no more.
Your eighth house, traditionally ruled by psychic Scorpio, covers:
Shared resources and joined monies
Financing for a certain project
Everything from sharing the rent to inheritance matters
Any financial settlement: property, child support, dentist bill, taxes
Merging with your soul mate – sex, sex, sex!
Sharing your deepest truths
Letting go of the past
Shedding an old persona
Clearing out outdated clothes, photos, remnants of a past self
Recovering your unconscious
Summoning your psychic powers
For some of you, you gain in terms of a legacy or an inheritance. You profit monetarily through taxes or a money gift. For others of you, you connect with Divine Love. And yes, this includes sex.
Worrying about money is perfectly natural and healthy at this time. You have been already through an economizing and streamlining turn. Or several, to truth-tell.
You might want to restructure everyone’s financial roles, and you will find a way to do this. Have faith. If you’ve been feeling disgruntled – perhaps you are bearing the greater financial burden in this sharing relationship? – you can look forward to a shift in attitude.
This new Moon in Capricorn in this eighth house complicates a certain financial picture – but brings fantastic sex. With such good luck in your close connections better to focus on your happiness and accomplishment there! And the rest of the planets in your eighth house are very positive so the financial blip is temporary, not permanent. It’s not your “destiny”, as some moan.
The rest of 2023 is all about LOVE and the end of conflicts in relationships…isn’t it time? As funny and brilliant as you are, sometimes you say things so quickly (due to your speedy brain and speedy planet Mercury ruling the speedy thoughts in speedy brain), so off the cuff – that you don’t realize you could be hurting someone. You may get it when you haven’t heard from that person for a while…but, again, save yourself time, and prevent the critical blurt-out from the get-go!
Passion is in the cards for Geminis over the holidays. Single Geminis expect an intense new connection.
Single Geminis (not many of you left), you can expect to – unexpectedly – fall in love. As long as you get out there and meet someone! Every twin needs its twin.
Attached Geminis, your efforts pay off. Your partner is all gooey-eyed after January 16. You revive your past, and feel it strongly.
Ask for help from partners if you need it, as long as it doesn’t involve money – THAT you’ve got to stop thinking about.
Give everyone some slack…they’re basically insane until the end of January.
It will be alright, Gemini. A lucky year is coming for you. You must allay your worry, and your fears. Take a DEEP BREATH.
You’ve just had very deep talks with loved ones. Welcome to this new stage, long-lasting and changing, beginning in your closest relationships. And in your contracts.
You are extremely loved, no doubt about that.
Partnership, partnership, partnership. Don’t run away now, dear Gemini. (As you have been known to do in the past!)
There will be a short break from the emphasis on your relationships and you will attend to a health matter of your own, or those living with you.
But for now, it is more about passion and fun. So much is happening in your eighth house of merging (this means sex as well as finances) that it is mind-blowing.
But don’t get overwhelmed and forget your seventh house. The seventh house rules all your partnerships as well as soul mates, so don’t forget your friends in this whirlwind of love.
Ahh, but this whirlwind of love…really, you can’t help but be lucky. Whatever happens is for the best.
Some lucky Geminis will be forging new work and business partnerships, too. These should go very well.
A funny thing is happening on the way to the forum, however.
All your relationships improve actually after the beginning of the year.
There is intense merging and sharing as the new year begins and everything moves into your ninth house. Lotto lucky Jupiter is set to stay here through May 25.
So the first half of 2024 you manifest a dream that has been in-waiting for a long time.
I congratulate you, Gemini, for taking the high road in attempting to express yourself.
With the cessation of your anxiety, so comes self-discovery.
And a new chapter begins.
It is self-illumination of YOU.
And my dear Gemini friend, I wish you a Merry Christmas! (Wished as a pagan.)
I’m sorry my January 2024 horoscope for you is a day late. I have been battling a very aggressive cancer. Triple negative breast cancer. I will finally be doing readings again come February. Thank you, my friend, for being so patient.
60 minute readings are available for $450. Due to my chemo treatments, these will be offered beginning in February. Viola is now taking appointments for February and March.
30 minute readings are no longer available.
For your phone reading with me in February or March, please click here to email my assistant Viola:
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