It is Spring — it is Aries Season! YOUR turn. The Sun enters Aries March 19 at 11:06pm EST, and stays there until April 19 at 10:00am EST. No more subservience or fitting in, for those of you just trying to survive. This is your most powerful time of year. Use it or lose it. Your choice, Aries.
Brought to your attention particularly poignantly by the first lunar eclipse of 2024, this coming Monday, March 25. The energy this week will be focused intensely on relationships and partnerships, and is a real point in your evolution. Intense bonds will be made and broken this week. In one of your closest partnerships, you either get closer, or go your separate ways. This is a lunar eclipse full Moon in Libra, a penumbral eclipse, so more subtle than most dramatic eclipses. So nothing harsh.
Single Aries, now is the time to look for long term partners.
Because adoring spotlights are lit in Aries Land! Everything, everyone, focuses on you. You. You. YOU. It only lasts a month, so here we go.
In your sign of Awesome Aries, you have:
Awesome shining everlasting Sun
Laser beam thinker and speaker Mercury (in retrograde April 1 – April 25)
Gorgeous Homecoming Queen, lovey Venus after April 5
A solar eclipse new Libra Moon Monday, April 8
And my favorite asteroid, our wounded healer Chiron, which gives energy to tap into the wisdom brought about by our pain and hardships – yes, it’s there – and to access that wisdom.
With so much attention on you and everyone listening to you – although some of your communications will be delayed due to Mercury retrograde basically the whole of April – April 1 to April 25 – it’s going to be a rocking time.
In fact, April will turn out to be one of the most interesting months of your life, dear Aries.
You will be pulled between great extremes – towards a public success and towards a deep private healing.
Your eclipse, the solar eclipse new Moon in Aries on Monday, April 8 is a TOTAL eclipse and much more dramatic than the earlier eclipse of March 25. Actually visible over most of North and South America, it will darken the daytime sky. And, as in a Shakespearean tragedy, nature will echo men’s foibles and sins and turn against us: there will sadly be a rise in violence in the world at that time. I am sorry to say this.
Your ruler, sexy, powerful Mars, IS the god of war, after all. This early April it will make you invincible, the world in more chaos.
For you it is rebirth, and rebirth means being back in the driver’s seat. And for many, a month of purification and transformation. Property and home matters have worked out – you have been driving yourself relentlessly – and now you are ready to step into your new chapter.
You have loving Venus swinging into your sign and first house on Friday, April 5, set to bless your looks and charm and love during the whole of April. Venus also often brings fortune, and with lucky Jupiter in your second house of finance until May 25, I predict much more money for you coming up. And coming suddenly, unexpectedly. (Uranus also in your second house of finance.)
Your secret weapon this April? Keep thinking of the future. Calm, and keep your eye on the prize.
And you will ENJOY. It will be like a racehorse being released. A beauty to behold.
No two ways about it. Success is yours. Let bygones be bygones and stride confidently into the future.
Agreements are particularly upbeat and secure in April’s first week, ending this time of bla and waiting that you have been going through.
Not feeling up to snuff? You will be soon.
Rather than obsessing on how, for some of you, a particular “friend” didn’t work out, or a professional organization to which you belong you don’t see eye to eye, how about moving forward – to new friends, to a new professional partnerships?
There are plenty in your future. You are secretly adored – by many.
Remember, you’re just coming out of the darkest part of your year, when all is in your twelfth house of rest and retreat, so you’re exhausted from the darkest part of winter, and you’re being reborn again, into Spring, into YOU! If you’ve felt like you haven’t been in the driver’s seat, or like you’ve been biting your tongue, or you’re just not usual YOU, this is why. Although some of you have been able to channel the energy of the twelfth house into a very constructive creative outlet – and this has been magical.
The Sun is shining down upon you, along with four other powerful, beneficient planets in Aries throughout this beautiful time, until April 19. And then it enters your second house of finance and, along with Jupiter, brings you more money!
There is an awesome amount of love in your life, with Venus, planet of love, in your sign as of April 5, and Venus also brings money. Venus is also the planet of beauty and when it is blessing your sign of Aries – as it does this year April 5 throughout the whole month – you look more beautiful. You will enjoy this immensely.
Happy Spring, dear Aries!!
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