Justice! When? When will those who have wronged you be held accountable? And what about the good deeds? When do they get rewarded? In every single reading I give, people want to know. And they want to know NOW. The sooner, the better. We’re tired of waiting!
But karma, or the consequences of our actions, has its own timetable. Saturn (planet of karma) rules time. Chronos in ancient Greek – chronology – everything has its time. The one thing we can’t negotiate. Karma brings us all to our knees. That’s its job. It’s up to us if we learn from it or not. That’s wisdom. Better than botox. Priceless.
Until September 17, Wisdom Trainer Saturn is direct in Scorpio. Scorpio rules secrets. So, secrets and lies go direct. Made visible, uncovered, exposed.
And which wisdom muscles get the spot on training? Kierkegaard said: Life is a hard teacher. She gives the test first, the lesson after. That’s Saturn. Do your homework and the rewards are golden.
So take a look-see: Where everyone is going to summer camp!
Aries, Aries Rising
You get it in the eighth house: secrets; wills and legacies and settlements; hidden psychologies; great changes; how you share and how you don’t; intimacy. Try to keep it stable and consistent, and beware of over-reacting. In six weeks, Saturn moves on to court, your ninth legal house, where, unlike Lucy here, you will need to keep a straight face, with straight answers.
Taurus, Taurus Rising
Here’s my ideal love: Louis Armstrong playing for his wife Lucille at the Sphinx during their trip to Egypt in 1961. What’s yours? It’s all about marriage and partners now, in love and in business. You want it all and you want it to work. Dive in and look, really look, at the contracts and agreements you’ve made. Change what needs to be changed and get it clear before September 17 when Saturn moves on to your monies-with-others house, and you’re locked in financially for the next 2 years and 3 months.
Gemini, Gemini Rising
It’s the everyday details and routines that consume you for the next six weeks. How you take care of yourself, how you take care of others. Your work, your health, your pets, what you eat every day. YOGA! Your obligations and service to others. Decide who needs helping and who doesn’t. Because on September 17, Saturn moves into your seventh contractual house and you’re stuck with them for the next 2 years and 3 months.
Cancer, Cancer Rising
Leo, Leo Rising
Deeply personal lessons in your fourth house of home and family. You’ve been lucky this year with Jupiter in Leo and now final tangles brush out concerning your brood and where your – and their – true home is. A new property figures prominently and, for many Leos, also a father. Strangely enough, you are going back home in a big way, and family secrets may be revealed. After September 17, it’s all about going back to the public again, performing and romancing and loving.
Virgo, Virgo Rising
Passing notes and messages! Secretly or not so secretly, you will be forced to examine and re-examine your communications with others, as well as your writing on the internet. Such as emails going out to siblings, sibling-types, cousins, and neighbors. Negotiations will be a huge part of your communications, and these lead you toward finalizing property and home matters. After September 17, crucial decisions will be made which will affect you until December 20, 2017.
Libra, Libra Rising
After everyone asking YOU for help, you decide to get help for yourself. If you’re wise, like Lassie here, you begin to interpret – and react to – everybody’s demands differently. As in, no more self-sacrifice. This is Saturn’s last six weeks of money worry in your second house, and you emerge valuing yourself much more, with improved finances. Also clearing the decks for deeper, truer communications, particularly in writing and online.
Scorpio, Scorpio Rising
Oh, Scorpio. It has not been easy being you lately, what with the massive ocean waves all around you and often no land in sight. As Saturn is in your sign it’s double whammy and you are asked to examine your body, your behavior, and how you are feeling in the world at large. It can be a tough business, and with some real physical aches and pains, but the good news is that you are headed toward a much stronger liking of yourself come mid-September. With more money.
Sagittarius, Sagittarius Rising
Miracles, miracles, miracles! Sometimes only you can see them, but they exist nonetheless. Now more than ever it is crucial that you trust your inner guiding light, your unconscious, your healing and your need for retreat and rest. Only six more weeks of this and you gotta be ready for the spotlight again, out there in the public, shouting your wares. An interesting part of the trip you are on is the psychological secrets that will be revealed, not only yours but others. Wowie zowie.
Capricorn, Capricorn Rising
Community, community, community! Where is yours? Which clubs and organizations have you as their member? In a way, recent disturbing events have been forcing you to find your true tribe and this is a great thing. Use these next six weeks to integrate yourself with others, particularly when connected to causes you believe in and with your highest ideals. Let the surface values go because you’re getting ready for a deep journey of the soul for the next two years and three months.
Aquarius, Aquarius Rising
You’ve been SO working hard on your career path and public profile and now Saturn hands you the challenge of more personal accountability. Six remaining weeks to tend to your public reputation which depends on how you treat those who really can’t do much for you. As of September 17 you move on to the challenge of professional contacts and groups. You are loved, but watch out for the pitchforks.
Pisces, Pisces Rising
Accountability when it comes to anything or anyone from a different culture. Your voice needs to be heard now in many countries! For some Pisces, legal matters demand your attention and you want to have your act together as the public spotlight hits strongly after September 17. And keeps up the pressure on your reputation and career path for the next two years and three months. What exactly do you wish your legacy to be?