February will be a very productive month for you. And, after Tuesday, February 4, a month of major work success following lucky Jupiter going direct in your tenth career house. Congratulations, Virgo! You’ve worked hard and deserve every lucky break coming toward you.
You may have doubts about this work path, particularly if it’s an entirely new one, but there is no need. Have utter confidence in your visions. You are the strong one now and are called to fix a problem at large. Get to it before February 4. And you’ll essentially be seen as Superman / Superwoman. People are so grateful to you it’s not even funny.
If Virgos ran the world, we really all would be in a better place, as Virgos basically fix everything.
As February begins, there is extremely good news concerning your finances, so good that you can quit worrying, poring over every detail and trying to control every outcome. In fact, you can relax.
Recognition that has been withheld finally comes flooding through. Just look at this fabulous planetary line up in your sixth house of work!
In your sixth house of work and health you have:
Awesome, life-giving Sun
Brilliant planet of thought and communication, your ruler Mercury
Planet of sudden change and burning, Pluto
Asteroid of nurturing and healing, Ceres
Asteroid of wisdom and knowledge, Pallas
A powerful new Aquarius Moon shares the day with the Lunar New Year (Snake), Wednesday, January 29.
And your sixth house, traditionally ruled by conscientious Virgo rules:
Work, work, work
Income from your work
Your daily life and routine
Your health
Food and diets
Regular exercise
Habits, good and bad
How you take care of yourself
Zee domestic
Everyday activity
Little animals and pets
Service and duty
Assistants and people who work for you, including your trainer, hair stylist, agent, money manager, and the like
Work is absolutely top of the list, and you must push yourself – continue to push yourself – as you never have before, because the upcoming new beginnings and breakthroughs in your career as a result of you just showing up and doing your job leave me breathless. Daring and branching out as much as possible will also help.
Let the universe work its magic in rewarding you. In fact, it would be best if you stopped revising and fixing everything, and let fate take its course. Because it’s a stellar one.
My only warning for February concerns mid-month. There is a full Leo Moon lighting up your twelfth house of the unconscious on Wednesday, February 12, lighting the way with worry. Demons and doubts from your unconscious and from the past can be released under a Moon like this. Take it easy this night.
Might I suggest a meditation course to help you calm the monkey mind that can plague you? You want to get out of your own way here for best results.
And, finally, there is love – which brings me to the main theme of February which is passion. There will be passion awakened in you for your career and for your money-making, but there will also be passion in love and in your relationships. You already have romantically, and this is fantastic – and opens up many doors for you.
February has long been thought to be the month of expiation and purification. And there is no one more purist than a Virgo. So I am happy to see that you have finally been allowing yourself to have more pure fun, pure pleasure, and pure passion. Bravo, brave Virgo!
You are in your element, and it is a joy to see.
Speaking of passion I do see you in the grip of one particular individual. Do not be concerned if mid-month your rationality takes over and you are temporarily freed from those rose-colored glasses that fit so well when you look at this person. It is simply a matter of your view changing – which it will several times this month. Let it be. Let it flow, and change.
Accept that you automatically board a roller coaster when you really like someone.
As your fellow Virgo writer Jorge Luis Borges (born August 24, 1899) said: Love is only the beginning of a terror we can barely endure.
Ironically, travel calms that raging beast, and you have done plenty of it. But now your itch for travel and yonder horizons has been scratched, and you can get back to puttering about your home and worrying about your love life.
But there really is nothing to worry about. Unless you’re finding yourself attracted to shady characters. (Let go of them!) And if you are, it’s probably in order to help them. Haven’t you figured out by now Virgo that you really can’t save people who don’t want to be saved? And even those that do…need to save themselves.
If Virgos ran the world, as I said, the world would be a better place, as Virgos fix and make everything better. But love can’t be fixed, and you just need to find a way to enjoy it more now. Tell me how that goes for you, okay Virgo? You need someone beside your object of interest to talk to, and besides, I’d like to hear.
And I’m happy to report that the Moon will be in Virgo on Valentine’s Day. It should be a good one this year, with things falling in your favor.
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Virgo? Call now.
Or click here to email my assistant Viola: viola@madalynaslan.com
Wan February with weeping cheer,
Whose cold hand guides the youngling year
Down misty roads of mire and rime,
Before thy pale and fitful face
The shrill wind shifts the clouds apace
Through skies the morning scarce may climb.
Thine eyes are thick with heavy tears,
But lit with hopes that light the year’s. – February by Mother Goose
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