Hello, hello, Taurus Adele mourns, in her heartfelt song Hello. This is you. Re-connecting with old family. SO healing, yet so many conflicting feelings! Give it time, Taurus. After an effort making a property worthwhile and productive, you’re going forward to relaxation. Financial support from the elders must be appreciated. Playing brings money and profit, and next year’s creative risks actually set you up for life. For the rest of 2024 you will be dancing with your financial gains.
Those around you, your siblings – your brother or sister or an old friend who is like a sibling – may be acting in a way that secretly freaks you out. But really, they are showing you their truth. Remember what writer Maya Angelou, who has her Chiron (the wounded healer) in your sign of Taurus says: When people show you who they are, believe them.
Chiron can only heal by dying.
Remember the myth?
Chiron gets shot in the thigh by Hercules (it’s an accident) and he begs the gods to put him out of his misery. But because Chiron is immortal, his fate is to suffer for eternity.
When the gods let him die, let him cease being immortal, the wound that can never heal – heals.
Similarly, with you.
When you let a pain that feels like it’s been in there forever, go – it goes. When you stop feeling trapped by a sibling’s (or friend who feels like a sibling) words and actions, you will give yourself your freedom.
In your fourth house, ruling early family and home, you currently have: the golden Sun, a new silvery Moon August 4, brilliant Mercury, beauty queen Venus, and asteroid Vesta, revealing the fire that truly ignites your soul even in the most difficult times.
All that your fourth house rules:
Real estate
Original family
Early roots
Abilities and traits passed down to you, mostly from your father
Your nurturing others emotionally
Your opinion of yourself separate from the business world
Look at the wounded dreams you have in any of the above ruled by the fourth house. You need to let them go now. So you can get to an even greater place.
When Chiron is finally allowed to die, he goes one better. The gods make him into a constellation in the sky!
That’s what you get when you do the work on your wound.
So let that wound die in peace, and go on to the new beautiful place you may not even have imagined.
See it all, yourself as eternal traveler, the world as your playground.
See your current situation differently. And it will be.
Mercury in the fourth house actually serves to strip bare the house it is transiting. It has been transiting your home and early family. You see what seems to be, what you’d like it to be, and then you see what is underneath that, and its motivation.
Practically and materially it’s all GO ahead.
You are more in control than ever before. Even if things do not go your way. You are carving your own path, and a lot of responsibility rests on your shoulders.
So let go what needs to be let go. It is hard for you to leave the past behind. It will be an effort. But you will succeed.
Remember that it is Mercury retrograde soon, August 5 to 28 (with the Mercury retrograde shadow, really the whole month of August), and that everyone will be going through it. Be patient and compassionate.
Yours will be in back and forth between your fourth and fifth houses August 5 – August 28. Intense socialising followed by equally intense retreat. And to help you and everyone get through it, and to provide an idea of what a Mercury retrograde IS, for those who don’t know, I’m including a free Mercury Retro Protection Mitten and Guide! Click here, and have a laugh. We all need to during this election cycle, which is going to be CRAZY. Share with others, spread some joy and laughter. Go on, click here!
Okay, back to regular scheduled programming.
The rest of August is a time for play and spinning out of control and for making your day-to-day more enjoyable.
Your ruling planet, planet of love and beauty, Venus, is awesomely aspected most of August and this gives you a golden glow as well as protects you. You will feel good.
You will be getting “out there”, making your presence known.
Work delays can stir you to irritation but thank goodness this frustration is over by August 19.
And a ceasing of the difficult changes and challenging transformations you face being torn between what you feel you should do and then what you want to do.
Remember that it is Mercury retrograde soon, August 5 to 28 (with the Mercury retrograde shadow, really the whole month of August), and that everyone will be going through it. Be patient and compassionate.
Yours will be in back and forth between your fourth and fifth houses August 5 – August 28. Intense socialising followed by equally intense retreat. And to help you and everyone get through it, and to provide an idea of what a Mercury retrograde IS, for those who still don’t know, I’m including a free Mercury Retro Protection Mitten and Guide! Click here, and have a laugh. We all need to during this election cycle, which is going to be CRAZY. Go on, click here!
Okay, back to regular scheduled programming. Please forgive me.
In terms of your Beeg Plans Ahead, the big picture will be extra clear after August 19, and then it is clear for you to move forward.
Only warning of August: mid-month, anxiety arises about shared resources. Money, property, leases, and the such. Don’t push, and you will go much farther.
Time to call a truce to the doubting and worrying generally, dear Taurus. The voices have been loud – in relationships, too, particularly concerning your security in relationships – I can hear them as I type.
With loved ones, you want to know there’s a future and that you can plan on it. With the full Moon approaching in your tenth career house on August 19, you also want to be ready for your close up. I can see how this has got your mind racing: is this for real? Can I trust that I will be heard and that my needs will be met? Is there a future? All YES. A professional matter will be resolved.
This full Moon is in Aquarius in your tenth house of your life path and reputation.
You have sensed all the promise in your career, and you have been waiting a while for it. Get ready. Chiron, the wound that never heals, is ready to heal, babee. And Jupiter to pour on his good fortune in your second house of finances – all the way until June 2025.
This is what you gotta do to help it along. It’s all in the area of your tenth and most public house.
Your tenth house rules:
Your life path
Your career
Your reputation
Winning recognition in your field
Being promoted
Striving in your work
Your professional image
Feeling powerful
Continuing to strive
And often – your MOTHER.
Whatever you have been running from, you can finally stop to enjoy. Time to smell the flowers, like your lovely mascot Ferdinand the Bull.
Every moment this August is indeed a new moment. What did Heroclitus say? “You could not step twice into the same river, for the water is ever flowing.”
For the bull, who likes repetition, this is important change. Go with it.
THE U.S. ELECTION: My prediction published November 14, 2016:
“The male is handing his cup, literally, his presidency, to the female.”
Read all my predictions – going up to April 2026 – here on the Home page, “Predictions for the U.S.A.”:
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Taurus?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola: viola@madalynaslan.com
The future is space, earth-colored space, cloud-colored, color of water, air, black space with room for many dreams — Pablo Neruda.
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