Asteroid Vesta, your inner spark, is in your deep sign of Scorpio and goes retrograde Friday, March 21. Thus, this horoscope covers your last month of direct Vesta in your sign – until the next Friday the 13th, in June. Vesta was discovered March 29, 1807 by German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers, and represents that to which you’re willing to give everything. Your passion is re-ignited and that which you’re willing to work for and commit to in pure faith presents itself to you. This most likely will occur in the area of your creativity, and with work which involves others. Your communication powers are on extra high at this time, and you succeed in drawing people to your mission. It makes March an empowering and inspiring month for you.
Any hermit tendencies which have been dominating lately need to be put on hold. You won’t experience the disruptions and obstacles in communication which have plagued you since your ruler Pluto has been in your third house for 15 hard years. With Pluto finally out of there, never to return in your lifetime (not for another 250 years), communications with others now improve, and go surprisingly smoothly.
The new Pisces Moon this Thursday, February 27, in your fifth house gets March off to a fantastic start. A new lover will appear, or an amazing idea which has you really excited. It’s the month to record all your ideas because they’ll be the best you have all year. You can afford to plunge into creativity this month, really until June 9, because fortune planet Jupiter is in your eighth house of shared monies until then bringing you more funds.
So – you’re free at last. And as you escape, Houdini-like, from chains which have been holding you to follow your bliss, so the world celebrates with you. March will be massively fun and social but the risk you’re taking requires a clear financial head. You need to be realistic about your situation. The courage to do what you’re doing is wonderful; just keep certain things in check.
Like partying, people of drama, indulgent sexual encounters, imbibing, and so on! Your fifth house of fun and pleasure is set to light up the scene with ALL these positive forces in it:
Awesome, life-giving sun
Brilliant thought and communications planet Mercury
Dreamy Neptune
Nurturing Ceres
Wise Saturn
A New Pisces Moon on Thursday, February 27
Now, what is everything in your Fifth House, traditionally ruled by confident Leo?
Fun, fun, fun
Your Inner Child
Your Children
Your Desires and Sexual Self
Falling in love
Taking a Gamble
By mid-March, it should be clear if your new plan of action is going to work. Because the planet of discipline Saturn is also in this house, make sure you do the work, the homework, the waiting and the planning, the measuring, the being wise and mature and acting your age and all that boring stuff, and you pass with flying colors.
If you don’t, if you just party like it’s 1999, well, good luck! It’s your choice, Scorpio.
There’s a strong bind or obligation you’re entering for the sake of your freedom and it has to do with monies and finances with others. A financial arrangement with your family, company, or a foundation. Be ultra clear about all that this entails.
Sorry to be such a psychic nag but I want you to triumph! To enjoy the time you have earned and so richly deserve. To create the masterpiece you want to create. Not to blow it like those who win the lottery and are so freaked out they file for bankruptcy a year later. Not to commit certain indiscretions, which you will later regret. Of course, you’re smarter than that.
But it helps to be aware, right? Aware of how deprived you may have been, of how pain-in-the-ass challenging it has been with Saturn on your back, of how hard you have worked. And how bottled-up feelings can erupt suddenly and without warning into unbridled bacchanalia with – say – certain people who bring it out in you. Neighbors, friends who feel and act like siblings, actual siblings, cousins, people in the park…You get my drift.
Also, of course, you want to stay healthy and not to abuse your body in any form.
I predict some famous Scorpios won’t take my advice at all and will act out and get even more famous for some outrageous scandals!
Take a step back from the recent relationships you’ve cultivated. Older relationships and past partnerships come into focus during the next month. By the end of March you know exactly where you are going and with whom.
Be strong and don’t torture yourself into coming up with an answer before then, Scorpio! What’s coming is new, unexpected, and a complete break.
You experience the kind of blissful travel state you felt around your birthday.
What on earth happened since then? Well, everything of course.
You’ve come a long, long way from the physical place you were around November. There are much better finances to look forward to as well.
An event happens in your life that makes you realize that a particular journey — where a friend, group of friends or professional associates, or your participation in a particular organization is concerned — is OVER. You’re moving onto a new plane. And finally ready to heal your home or property, your childhood, and painful issues surrounding your father. Also to bring you back to your real roots. Oh yeah…what happened to those? Chiron, our Celestial Confronter, brings them back into focus for you.
You’ll be amazed by yourself, Scorpio. I’m rooting for you.
Finally, love planet Venus goes into retrograde Saturday, March 1 until Saturday, April 12. Traditionally, this period is not a time to begin a new relationship. Unless it’s a past (retro) relationship, including those from past lives. This period would be a good time to explore past life regression, with myself or another expert, if you do meet someone about whom you’re thinking seriously. And I must tell you, this will be the time that it happens, because you have more support in your fifth house of true love this month than at any other time of the year.
Time for your own private session?
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Scorpio? Call now.
Or click here to email my assistant Viola:
Dear March – Come in – How glad I am –
I hoped for you before –
Put down your Hat – You must have walked
How out of Breath you are
Dear March, how are you, and the Rest –
Dear March, Come In by Emily Dickinson
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