No one can resist your gorgeous smile this month. You keep smiling, smiling, smiling… when you feel like screaming. It is a hard, hard time in the world. Concentrate on getting your finances in order and your forward path clear. Do not act hastily or defensively. You will be fine.
And you just experienced something that made you feel quite blissful. And so it is in this month of August. Fluctuations, particularly with Mercury in retrograde for most of August. I suggest you go with it, Scorpio.
Remember Scorpio Pablo Picasso, born October 25, 1881 – and still considered the best today – who accurately said: The world today doesn’t make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?
Part of the problem may be how darned good your career / reputation is looking nowadays, and how successful you seem to be.
When what’s REALLY happening is a kind of Dorian Grey scenario – serenely charismatic on the outside while a rolling ball of fury is gathering on the inside. No matter how tortured or anxious you feel inside, no one would ever know – it’s incredible, isn’t it?
Go ahead and scream! It’ll do you good.
You’ve been treated horribly. After years of service.
But now, now, you’re about to be minted as legend. A new Leo Moon around August 4, brings a real professional coup of sorts. A touche kind of moment. The rest of your tenth house of career and reputation currently has the support of the golden Sun, a new silvery Moon August 4, brilliant Mercury, beauty queen Venus, and the asteroid Vesta, revealing the fire that truly ignites your soul even in the most difficult times.
Your tenth house rules:
Public opinion
Your career
Your reputation
Achievements, awards, honors
Your brand
Persons in authority: bosses and superiors
And often – your MOTHER.
People to whom you need sell, persuade, convince will be bowled over. If it’s an idea, job, position, pitch, house or furnace (yes, in the middle of summer), it’s sold.
I, however, am concerned with the health of your soul, and how you’re doing internally. As are your closest intimates. One of whom may wish you to get the hell out of Dodge and join them somewhere else.
Somewhere calmer, where you can relax. And have some much-needed wonderful sex.
Remember that it is Mercury retrograde soon, August 5 to 28 (with the Mercury retrograde shadow, really the whole month of August), and that everyone will be going through it. Be patient and compassionate.
Yours will be in back and forth between your ninth and tenth houses August 5 – August 28. And to help you and everyone get through it, and to provide an idea of what a Mercury retrograde IS, for those who still don’t know, I’m including a free Mercury Retro Protection Mitten and Guide! Click here, and have a laugh. We all need to during this election cycle. It’s going to be CRAZY. Share with others, spread some joy and laughter. Go on, click here!
Back to regular scheduled programming.
By the full Aquarius Moon of August 19, in your fourth house of home, you may just be agreeing with me. Full moons indicate completion, a feeling you’ve gone as far as you can go. That day, you will reach that point.
In your home, or regarding a certain property. Maybe even with a member of your own family.
As August gets more underway, there’s more support from others but for now, you’re feeling pretty alone in all this.
Give yourself a break, and take a decadent vacation. Whether it’s smooching with a sweetie in another country, or just kicking back and watching the waves on TV, recharging at home – you must give yourself this.
Those Scorpios who are already on holiday may feel they need a vacation from their vacation. But that’s another story! To alleviate your angst while in a beautiful ostensibly restful spot you must create. Create, create, create.
Whether it’s finger painting or learning the drums, making jewelry or writing an epic screenplay – do it. Anything as long as you are feeding your soul.
Your tenth house of career begins a fantastic professional period, which will have you feeling fabulously confident. But it, too, will be invisible, without proper results until the end of the month. (Remember, Mercury retrograde will delay everything here, as it is in your tenth house August 14 to August 28.)
So, again, know you are doing well, and stop torturing yourself about moving forward. Open that bottle of wine. Look at that beautiful ocean. Embrace what is going on around you – all without you lifting a finger. Look how nature keeps going without your help – it’s a miracle!
The only serious work for you to do now is to let your fourth house of home and family HEAL. And you can do that inside the home or outside of it.
While you may be feeling at loose ends reading this horoscope, remember the short-term is not everything. It’s the long-term you need to think of – and this will prove to be glorious.
Keep your temper in check (remember to scream into that pillow), and look forward to positive change as August gets underway. You will not be disappointed.
Scorpios survive everything. Plagues, locusts, the flood, you name it. So what’s the use worrying about your health? What’s a pain here or there? Consult the specialist I advised in past horoscopes, and let’s carry on.
Honors, awards, accolades. That’s where it’s at this month, Scorpio. Public reputation. Your career. Your professional standing. Professional acclaim. Fame. Ambitions. Striving and attainment. Honoring your talent. Honing your skills. What you Will be Known As. Your legacy.
The opportunities mid-month produce mind-blowing results by the end of the month. You know now how to take advantage of them. They don’t come any wiser than you, Scorpio dear.
They also don’t come any more passionate or deep-feeling, although you do an awfully good job at hiding these qualities.
You are concerned about which parts of yourself you show, and which parts you don’t show, in the world.
As you should be.
Your standing in the world, your professional reputation, is where it’s all at this August. The main planetary action is occurring in your tenth house of career and your public reputation.
This means an awful lot of people looking your way, including some superiors whose looks matter – a lot.
Strictly professional. Whomever you are trying to impress will not let you off lightly. You know this by now.
Be prepared, and be ready. The public will, and can, look over at any time.
A matter of property reaches a foregone conclusion by the full Aquarius Moon of August 19.
Love may have to be put on a back burner with all this career stuff going on – but not to worry. Lotto lucky Jupiter is sending blessings to your merger house. As they say, be careful what – or whom – you wish for.
Go forward towards complete fulfillment, Scorpio, and you cannot fail.
THE U.S. ELECTION: My prediction published November 14, 2016:
“The male is handing his cup, literally, his presidency, to the female.”
Read all my predictions – going up to April 2026 – here on the Home page, “Predictions for the U.S.A.”:
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Scorpio?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola:
The future is space, earth-colored space, cloud-colored, color of water, air, black space with room for many dreams — Pablo Neruda.
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