With lucky Jupiter – your natural ruler – in your seventh house of partnerships until June 9, 2025, and planet of love Venus entering your sign of Sagittarius October 17, relationships look awfully good this year! And particularly good during the period October 17 to November 11; you will be blessed with extra attentiveness and attention.
Venus entering your sign will be such a relief! So many conflicts since last Spring, and now peace can rule again. Following October 17, there will be an end to disagreements and you can get back to living your life. Venus also makes you glow with her beauty, and the ancient Greeks wrote that she was so beautiful, flowers grew wherever she walked. From October 17 to November 11, you will have this magic at your disposal – it really is like a magical spell – this is your window, and I advise you to go for it.
Indeed for October you are poised to fly. To soar as a matter of fact. And with this comes a decision you need to make. Can you continue with a certain relationship? Can you see that relationship in your future?
It is time to do things differently when it comes to people in your work. Now is all the way toward success!
Work colleagues and professional friends are extremely lucky for you this year. And particularly this October, as you have all positive forces here.
In your social eleventh house, traditionally ruled by friendly Aquarius, you have:
Almighty, life-saving Sun
Brilliant communications planet Mercury
Adoring Juno
A Libra solar eclipse new Moon on October 2
Working with others and you as part of an important group or respected club is the way to go now. By important group I mean a group which shares your idea of what is important: common goals, ideals, beliefs.
You’ve got too much generous spirit to do all the work on your own nowadays. Plus, FINALLY, the right people are available to you now.
No more dopey dead end promises or engagements that in the end would have been so disappointing.
To make this easier – the easier the time, the more successful you will be now – you need to accept some things. And they’re very nice things. Here they are.
Let’s look at the areas ruled by your eleventh house:
Your community
Professional colleagues and associates
Your social life
You as part of a Group
Career contacts
Joining an organization or club
Taking advice from others
Your greatest dreams and wishes
Visualizing your future
Sharing your ideals
Acting on your beliefs
Discerning the truth
Receiving love from your friends
Enjoying your social being
Making the world a better place
Sharing your ideals and hopes
Visualizing your future
Being part of / joining a group committed to helping
Taking advice from others
Discerning the truth
Acting on your ethics
The solar eclipse new Libra Moon at the beginning of October gives you razor sharp vision and you see precisely how to make a plan of yours work. To do this, you must face the whole reality, which you also do. You have your core values solid – don’t let anyone tell you any different. It’s just a problem of broadcasting them.
You’re very popular all of a sudden and you will need all sorts of reasons to leave the house. You may feel like you can’t go that far – yes, you’d love to travel more – but here you are, and the wisdom starts to be about the journey.
Now, a piece of advice.
Some secrets are best left in the closet.
I never in a million, trillion years imagined I would say that. I believe, like Eleanor Roosevelt said, the best gift to a child is curiosity.
You can be curious, of course, but some secrets are best left in the closet.
Everyone knows anyway. You just A-R-T-I-C-U-L-A-T-E them.
Say you’re sorry, and be done with it. You offended someone. And then you denied any responsibility. For whatever reason – probably about what they were doing.
It’s your only black mark. So, time to get it fixed.
And then Saturn is a dream. Gives you all its rewards – for doing such hard work – and it’s better than the Turkish Delight in Narnia. All in the area of your colleagues and reputation and dreams.
That’s all it takes! You can even write an email.
Then, you begin measuring your worth by the quality of your life. In other words, you make them equal.
So much effort has been made toward the effort, the attainment.
Your friends and work associates make a big comeback into your life. And you make a valuable new contact as you go into October.
Now, money. We must talk about money.
Powerful Pluto goes direct October 11 in your second financial house. Changes are afoot in your financial picture. Out with the old, in with the new.
Pluto is not gentle, and does not go gently into the good night. Pluto is generally harsh, but he clears the way for better things to come. There will be a change in your finances. It won’t go on simply business as usual. Professional colleagues and friends will be a part of this deep sea-change.
And your own work efforts. You can get a lot more work for yourself than you currently have. Believe it or not.
And, finally, LOVE.
Single or attached, you reach a high crescendo with passion around the full Aries Moon mid-month.
You are getting ready for your purely creative period – your gestation period – generating all your ideas – as October ends and November begins.
You will carve out your new niche, resolve any remaining conflicts, and be the pragmatic idealist that you truly are.
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Sagittarius?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola: viola@madalynaslan.com
The trees’ painted wings
float toward earth,
humming arias and madrigals
You cry out, ‘Love might be like this!’ – October Opus by David Kowalczyk
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