Ooh, Sag, are you lucky in partnerships this year! All the way until June 2025. Use this astounding luck – which brings significant financial profits – while it exists. It doesn’t come around again for another twelve years. This is your ruling planet lotto lucky Jupiter in your seventh partnership house. Blessing your business partnerships, love partnerships, company partnerships, close friend partnerships. Yielding contracts: business contracts and transactions, marriage licenses, merger licenses, adoring texts licenses. You will be extra lucky in any of these areas.
As for this month in particular, I must tell you that Sagittarius painter Lucian Freud, grandson of Sigmund Freud, is TOP in my book. As are you this August, with such colors in your ninth house – expanding, exploding horizons and amazing visions.
You can do it, Sag, but don’t bite off more than you can chew. By August 19, full Aquarius Moon in your third house you realize that you need a realistic budget. When you make generous plans for others, remember this.
I’ve always said that Sagittarius is the sign who says, when no one else can, “But the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes!” You are the truthteller. We need you. But think of whom you might have hurt. From many, many years ago. You can finally set to rights confusions and misunderstandings from those times, this month. August is like the Forgiveness Library saying during this month we are accepting overdue books, no charge. Reach out, and make contact. You’ll feel twenty pounds lighter.
As August begins you begin a new relationship far away. It’s time to go for it, big-time. A new international contact made around the generous new Leo Moon August 4. This month, it is easy. You may fall head over heels for a tall, dark, foreigner. You may finally get published in that international magazine. You may sign the merger with Japan. Your show moves to London. All these options are very positive, because this new Moon August 4 is a positive new force.
In your expansive house, traditionally already ruled by Sagittarius, you have: the golden Sun, a new silvery Moon August 4, brilliant Mercury, beauty queen Venus, and asteroid Vesta, revealing the fire that truly ignites your soul even in the most difficult times.
All that the ninth house rules:
Broadening your horizons
Education, publishing, law
Far away friends, contacts, and places
International anything
Other cities – counties – states – countries – planets – galaxies
Other belief systems
Learning and exploring
Publishing – on a massive scale
Dreaming big
New financial arrangements are very promising and you get the best results towards the end of the month, so be patient! If you feel disappointed that things are not moving swiftly – I know how you feel!
Exercising restraint and patience might seem too saint-like to you so I would just go for examining the details.
Sorry to say, it’s just not the time to party right now. You need to cover yourself. Success is in the details.
Particularly with such an important career period for you coming up.
Many changes are at work. You can’t afford to skip the fine print.
You come up with brilliant ideas. Keep them flowing. Keep paying attention to them. Herein is your gold mine. I’m serious.
Old people from the past come up at this time, too. For some of you, that forbidden love affair you weren’t supposed to have has been rearing its head again.
For you coupled Sag, expect a rekindling of passion.
In professional situations, repressing yourself sexually is not always the healthiest way to go about things, but it may be necessary now.
I may as well urge a moth not to go toward the light. (And I often do; it kills me when moths get burned.)
So, what are you going to do? Keep yourself in the house all day long? I don’t think so.
With monetary gain being so possible for you this August, however, you need to act like a grownup. And to respect your creations. You have one of the most creative minds of the Zodiac. But many Sagittarians are tortured by Saturn in their fourth house, ruling home and family. Time to turn the torture into a beautiful work of art. However you want to do it. Writing a symphony, a treatise, a guide; building a parking garage, a trellis, a building; producing a child / show / concert; the world is your oyster.
Fantasize in secret if you have to. But in the world, go one step further than you thought you could. Or than you think you can.
Please be fair to yourself and your talents.
You can do it, dear Sag. I have the utmost faith in you.
You are pretty invincible nowadays, actually. An inner light is definitely showing you the way – all the way to the top.
As brave and fearless as you are – and man, are you ever! – the journey you are now undertaking demands that you receive support from your loved ones.
Like the hero or heroine of a Grimm fairy tale setting off to find the equivalent of the Holy Grail, you have to have supplies. Even if it is some bread and meat wrapped up in a handkerchief.
Now you are attempting to go where few have gone before, think, dear Sag – it is madness to go empty-handed.
Re-connect with those you love and trust the most. Tell them what’s really going on. Let them know what you need. Even friends with whom you used to be close (but aren’t any longer). Mercury retrograde, practically the whole month of August, is the time, remember, to rewind. Rewind the wheel of time.
Some of you will choose to end a particular arrangement with another, to change the connection altogether.
It is not necessary to throw out the baby with the bathwater, however. You may change an arrangement while still keeping the relationship. As my wise Virgo friend once told me, Everything is negotiable. It shocked me to the core. I’d never once considered a thing like that.
You know you’re going to make it. That’s not the problem. The problem is will you still be in one whole joyful piece when you’ve made it?
Remember that it is Mercury retrograde soon, August 5 to 28 (with the Mercury retrograde shadow, really the whole month of August), and that everyone will be going through it. Be patient and compassionate.
Yours will be in back and forth between your tenth and eleventh houses August 5 – August 28. SUCH politics, still. And to help you and everyone get through it, and to provide an idea of what a Mercury retrograde IS, for those who still don’t know, I’m including a free Mercury Retro Protection Mitten and Guide! Click here, and have a laugh. We all need to during this election cycle. It’s going to be CRAZY. Share with others, spread some joy and laughter. Go on, click here!
Back to regular scheduled programming.
Even if you’re at a party and people are howling – or chitchatting – on either side of you, the full Aquarius Moon August 9 (give or take 3 days, always), will give you your private answer. Concentrate. Even if just for two minutes. Do not miss your date with destiny this night of August 9, in particular. It’s a Monday!
Of course you must travel during this time. We want to hear all your travel stories after you get back, on social media, if you’d care to share. (Please join me on Instagram and Facebook!) Many Sagittarians are coming back from holidaying already.
You will be particularly strong on the internet this month. Particularly after mid-August. Be careful out there right now. Everyone’s on edge. Even if they’re a currently-giddy-Dem. We know anything could happen, or change, any time. Careful not to free-fall into fear. Facebook, in particular, is a bedrock of volcanic free-fall. Expect an explosion of sorts during the full Aquarius Moon on August 19. Stay safe, my friend.
THE U.S. ELECTION: My prediction from November 14, 2016:
“The male is handing his cup, literally, his presidency, to the female.”
Read all my predictions – going up to April 2026 – here on the Home page, “Predictions for the U.S.A.”:
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Sagittarius?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola: viola@madalynaslan.com
The future is space, earth-colored space, cloud-colored, color of water, air, black space with room for many dreams — Pablo Neruda.
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