After copious tears, Libra gets a break. A professional miracle! Just be super clear about what you stand for up front because it gets messy after August 14. The players not as sympatico as they initially appeared, what with Virgo Mercury retrograde moving into your eleventh community house. Libra, you want to be loved and accepted, but it’s just ten days of bad press, mixed signals really, until August 28, when Mercury goes direct again.
Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself. – Rumi. (Born a fellow Libra, September 30, 1207.)
You accomplish miracles because you’re determined. That’s a good sign. As fellow Libra American modernist poet Wallace Stevens wrote: The wound kills that does not bleed. So it may be bloody – but you will live. Game of Thrones bloody? Yep. Probably. So you must be your best, most successful fighter-for-justice self. Hard for Libra to do. But you do it!
Despite (in some cases because of) recent snafus in your work, you will soon see positive effects on your reputation as your popularity rises and your professional circle expands. Bravo!
After much peer pressure and wondering where – and IF – you fit in – aggh – you’re free to dance away on your own drum. Throw your arms up in surrender. Heal, and let go. Let this be the time you say goodbye to what or whom is gone, existing now only in your imagination. Translate mourning into art and production and it will make you a fortune. Keep it beautiful.
Very painful to let certain people go, but especially with early family, and very old friends who feel like family, it was wise. With Ceres (asteroid of how you care for yourself, and how you nurture yourself and others) retrograde in your fourth house, you made the right choices, and there is a window open to revisit this at a later time, much later.
It was also time for things to change for the better – and also for you to look outside your emotional world, which has been pretty intense, and continues to be intense through August.
Any breather, in fact, which you can take during this time would be wise, as it frees you from your own tangled web of feelings, and allows you to use your head and sense more.
It has been a little consuming, hasn’t it? And haven’t you been consumed utterly by it?
Breathe, breathe, breathe, dear Libra.
Remember, also, that it is Mercury retrograde soon, August 5 to 28 (with the Mercury retrograde shadow, really the whole month of August), and that everyone will be going through it. Be patient and compassionate.
Yours will be in back and forth between your eleventh and twelfth houses August 5 – August 28. Intense socialising followed by equally intense retreat. Very Libra. And to help you and everyone get through it, and to provide an idea of what a Mercury retrograde IS, for those who still don’t know, I’m including a free Mercury Retro Protection Mitten and Guide! Click here, and have a laugh. We all need to during this election cycle. It is going to be CRAZY. Share, and spread some joy and laughter. Go on, click here!
Okay, back to your regular scheduled programming.
In love, you need to be very careful at this time not to repeat mistakes of the past.
This is particularly true also in the area of your home. Live-in and married partners, heed this. Do not rush into any life-changing decisions this month, please!
Both the root of these past mistakes and the outcome – which you could recreate now – is destitution. In spirit and financially. You have gone through this many times before…you do not need – in fact, you CANNOT – go through this again.
Let yourself enjoy the month of August, and come back to figuring out what your next love move is going to be in September. I beg of you!
In your eleventh community house, you’ve had the golden Sun, a new silvery Moon August 4, brilliant Mercury, your ruler beauty queen Venus, and the asteroid Vesta, revealing the fire that truly ignites your soul even in the most difficult times. Giving you professional support from friends and groups to which you belong. An exciting new Moon occurs here August 4, will give you ANOTHER exciting new contact. Someone brand new. And significant for your future. This person will be generous.
It is essential you keep up contact with everyone, and not retreat as you have in the past. You’ll be doing enough of that next month, when the Sun moves into your twelfth retreat house. Ideal for a creative project.
Connect with others however you can, in person, via phone or email, or through online social networks. Any Libra still working in solitary now is not going to do as well.
All that your eleventh house rules:
Professional colleagues and associates
Your social life
You as part of a Group
Career contacts
Joining an organization or club
Taking advice from others
Your greatest dreams and wishes
Visualizing your future
Sharing your ideals
Acting on your beliefs
Discerning the truth
You may have missed a vital message concerning the advancement of your career.
You may be due more recognition than you’ve received – which is now coming.
You have a chance this month to transform the dreck into gold. In the area of your greatest ideals and dreams. Only go after these; why go after anything else?
And in the area of your friends and professional associates: Attend to the details!
The full Aquarius Moon August 19 gives you a lovely view into how much fun you could have for the rest of the summer if you let yourself.
The only work you need to actively push on now with is HEALING and soon writing.
Love and protection are waiting for you. They will come, in one form or another, this August. You just need to let them in.
You need more money. And if you look, there’s more money, figuratively speaking, under the sofa.
Money comes in bundles this month – surprising and seemingly little bundles, but they add up.
So count your monies carefully. You will see you have more than you thought.
And talk about seeing…you are seeing much more clearly now. This makes life harder in terms of your emotional and feeling state, but easier in terms of actually living your life.
You may not have the same retreat that fantasies have given you in the past – and ironically, it may have you feeling less in control now – but you are moving forward to a much better life.
However uncomfortable this period feels.
Some of you may have felt your life spiraling. It’s as if there are too many unexpected influences and other people involved.
Well, this month other people are lucky for you and help you.
You are wiser and stronger than ever before, Libra, and you have learned many lessons in your life. Apply them now – all that you have learned. You will not make the same mistakes again.
Be expectant, but humble, make your word count, and get ready for the intense desire and adoration that is coming your way. Bide your time during the time it won’t be coming your way August 14 – 28, and then – the sun comes out again. It always does, in time.
THE U.S. ELECTION: My prediction published November 14, 2016:
“The male is handing his cup, literally, his presidency, to the female.”
Read all my predictions – going up to April 2026 – here on the Home page, “Predictions for the U.S.A.”:
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Libra?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola:
The future is space, earth-colored space, cloud-colored, color of water, air, black space with room for many dreams — Pablo Neruda.
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