This August, you’re negotiating terrific new terms for yourself. In love, as well as in your business partnerships. Leo rules the heart, so the operation will be a success. All the more so if you can stay open and flexible.
August, after all, is your birthday month, and the best time to chill. This will get you the best results too in your negotiations. Resist pushing. Especially with this operation, is time to slow down, luxuriously roll around, and to get plenty of glorious cat naps.
For worrying over partnerships and money recently, you need a LOT of recovery time. Make no mistake about it.
If you can’t take time off from work, or family, or taking care of everyone as you do, then at least go easy and minimize the hours. Take breaks. Exotic Leo holidays.
Make sure you get some time to yourself. If you don’t, you may feel as if you’re losing your mind.
I find that time alone is as essential as dreaming. Without sleep and dreaming, the unconscious gets off balance, goes weird, starts playing tricks on you. Don’t let this happen to you.
Your place in the spotlight – quite soon, a literal spotlight – is a pressure to be borne gracefully. If you don’t get enough sleep and dreaming, you may act out in all sorts of inappropriate ways.
Shopping will be one way. And it’s not the time to spend a lot of money. Saturn is still in your eighth house of mergers with others, causing costly mistakes.
You are also attempting to create a new life rather quickly over the ruins of an old one.
It may be too quick – although you can sweep through almost anything with your usual poise and grace. Just bear in mind that in relationships the friendship factor is key now.
Stick with friendship when you feel all else is failing. It will pull you through.
In your sign of Leo, and in your first house, you have the golden Sun, a new silvery Moon August 4, brilliant Mercury, beauty queen Venus, and the asteroid Vesta, revealing the fire that truly ignites your soul even in the most difficult times.
As I said, you will be in the spotlight – yes, while you get your rest! – and your creativity and ideas will be at an all-time high. Even as you relax from the last few grueling months, you can make your mark on the world, and you will. For this month the planets make you alluring beyond all compare. You always look good but this time – wow.
Happy Birthday, Leo!
This is your time to shine. To aim high and to have confidence in your goals and to make others helpless before your wishes. All the action now is happening in your sign and in your first house.
All that is ruled by your first house:
Your body and body-image
Your confidence
Your self-esteem
Your behavior and manners with others
Being honest about who you are and what you need
Projecting yourself
Moving forward with hope
Seeing yourself as the special person you are
Anything you start now will go successfully. This includes professional and personal and business arrangements. Lotto lucky Jupiter is favorably aspected in your eleventh house of professional colleagues and your social circles until June 2025. This year, you receive a great deal of support and help from your community.
It’s important not to feel self-doubt at this time. A past relationship stirred this to a boiling point, and you will feel great relief as this calms down.
Sex and anger, sex and anger. These two, interestingly, can live together.
As long as you don’t blame others, it will be a beautiful month.
Take some time out for yourself, Leo – it is crucial that you do so. In a new relationship take baby steps. Nurture yourself as you would your own baby.
You don’t have to do everything yourself. You don’t even have to feel that you have to do everything else. Streamline your energy and save it for only the most necessary things.
Enjoy the Sun – your ruler – which is in your sign, and realize that the universe is working with you (and aiding and abetting you).
The only thorn in the ointment is Mercury retrograde, which occurs in your second and first houses. It lasts from August 5 to August 28. During this time, you can expect delays in funds, as well as missing possessions. Others may have difficulty understanding you.
And to help you and everyone get through it, and to provide an idea of what a Mercury retrograde IS, for those who still don’t know, I’m including a free Mercury Retro Protection Mitten and Guide! Click here, and have a laugh. We all need to during this election cycle. It’s going to be CRAZY. Share with others, spread some joy and laughter. Go on, click here!
Back to regular scheduled programming.
You reach a resolution, most likely about a past partner, around the full Aquarius Moon of August 19. As much as it changes you, it also relieves you. For most Leos, this concerns a long distance relationship which you tried very hard to maintain.
Personally, August really is Passion Month with a capital P. You will feel everything as deeply as a volcano. Work on expressing this truth to those with whom you are “merged”. By next month, September, you reach this goal. Others finally hear you.
Even though you worry about finances, your career is blessed. Have faith in your singular talent.
THE U.S. ELECTION: My prediction published November 14, 2016:
“The male is handing his cup, literally, his presidency, to the female.”
Read all my predictions – going up to April 2026 – here on the Home page, “Predictions for the U.S.A.”:
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Leo?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola:
The future is space, earth-colored space, cloud-colored, color of water, air, black space with room for many dreams — Pablo Neruda.
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