Full speed ahead for the Gemini! With fortune planet Jupiter now direct in your sign and first house, there’s very little stopping you. March is very intense for career and for your public reputation and there is a new step ahead as soon as this Thursday, February 27. A new Pisces Moon occurs in your tenth professional house then and brings a higher-up to help you. Keep communicating and keep networking.
Despite your original plans, you may feel as if you have found your truer path in a sense, or that you are coming back to one, a very strong part of you, that you left behind years ago. Remember that you are supported here. Whatever happens, the planets have your back.
For in your tenth directional house, traditionally ruled by achieving Capricorn, you have:
Awesome, life-giving sun
Your ruler, brilliant thought and communications planet Mercury
Dreamy Neptune
Nurturing Ceres
Wise Saturn
A New Pisces Moon on Thursday, February 27
This is very intense energy propelling you forward in these areas of your life until Thursday, March 20:
Firstly – Your reputation
Your career
Professional recognition
Public achievements and awards
Your ambitions
What You Are Known As
Your legacy
Claiming your talents
Striving and attainment
And often — your MOTHER.
The news is good, Gemini! However badly you may scare yourself into feeling. Any fear you might experience relates to an ancient concern, still, with your reputation, with what people think of you, even fear of gossip. Some of you recently experienced this, a public shaming, but I sense for many of you this may even go back to the intimidating teenage years…when we are all so self-conscious and super aware of the possibility of rejection – wherever we looked! I don’t know if anyone really survives these years unscathed. It is such a tender and difficult time. One that all too many of us are so ready and willing to forget.
The good news is that you are – I have to say it – almost magically cured and healed this month of past trauma relating to this early, challenging time. You know I am not a new agey type of astrologer, but I do have to say it falls into the plane of a miracle! Your strengthened social and semi-professional group will have a lot to do with this. Semi-professional in teenage terms generally means high school so for many of you friends from that time will be coming back into your life. And you will feel the love. Through this you also finally stop worrying, and possibly being embarrassed about, shared resources and monies. Pluto, after 15 long hard years, has finally left your eighth house, never to return in your lifetime (not for another 250 years.) The disruptions you experienced in this area will now cease and shared monies, including inheritances, settlements, trusts, and the like, go much more smoothly for you.
Remember Saturn is Father Time and Chronos in the ancient Greek, meaning chronology, time, years. He likes you to wait and act maturely, with wisdom and not impatience. And Saturn is also in your tenth career house. Better for you if you’re over 55 years of age. And he likes discipline, patience, resourcefulness. So that’s all you have to do, sweet impulsive Gemini, to pass these particular exams in your career and public reputation. Be disciplined, patient, and resourceful.
Saturn always has to have the last word. So, if you’re a good student, you’ll listen to the final lesson He’s giving you now.
And – oh it is SO worth it! Believe me. No suffering in vain here – at all.
Month’s end brings an emphasis on others around you, in your social circles and clubs, and in your community. Reactions are rippling from your recent actions. And are compelling you to think of going in a different direction.
This month change is in the air. And even if it comes a little too suddenly for your taste it will move your life to a better place.
Most likely this change will involve a place faraway or at a distance. Most likely, you’ve been thinking about being somewhere else (quite far away), and you plan to be there soon.
In terms of your faraway place, plans are probably changing daily, if not hourly. You are itching to get out of where you are, and yet you must return to it all the time. You are meant to be living this double life – heck, you’re a Gemini! – for a while, but it does play havoc with other people.
However you go, dear one, you will be protected, so you can quit worrying, if that’s what you’ve been doing. You can also let go of the “front”, the public image you’ve been putting out there, and you know what? It will actually be a huge relief. It’s exhausting to have to pretend so much of the time. The lunar eclipse full Moon on Thursday, March 13 in your fourth house reveals the underbelly, and brings this to a head. And then you are free.
It behooves you to come clean with yourself about a responsibility you are no longer keen to hold. It feels like too much. Just too many expectations. And not, originally, of your own making. Maybe time to bring this out into the open and to discuss. It will unburden you, casting off that albatross which has been hanging around your neck.
Time for your own private session?
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Gemini? Call now.
Or click here to email my assistant Viola: viola@madalynaslan.com
Dear March – Come in – How glad I am –
I hoped for you before –
Put down your Hat – You must have walked
How out of Breath you are
Dear March, how are you, and the Rest –
Dear March, Come In by Emily Dickinson
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