Click-rrrr, click-rrrr. This is the period piece sound of a camera taking your photo! There’s been a lot of that and you are very celebrated and loved. Balm to your soul with the recent scare of your mortality affecting the picture. Then July will be very much about finances, perhaps surprisingly so, and it’s important to remember that you are protected all year – until June 6, 2025 – with Jupiter in your sign. You will not fall again.
Warrior Mars is stirring your unconscious – your twelfth house – until July 20, and then he enters your sign of Gemini, set to make you irresistible until September 4. Your charisma will be off the charts, but then so will your irritation levels – so be careful of losing your temper. Career and life path are both challenging (plenty of reason for irritation) with Saturn turning retrograde June 28 and Neptune turning retrograde July 1 both in your professional tenth house. It’s been a while since you had one of your lucky breaks, isn’t it? Well, look forward to this year! It will be possible again, with lucky Jupiter blessing Gemini until June 6, 2025 – almost a full year from now.
Gemini, you’re dying to get away, but many decisions have to be made, and with a full Moon occurring in your eighth house July 21, you’ll be having financial discussions with your partner. And (many other) partners. You need to be very, very practical. An unexpected expense arises around the new Moon on July 5.
A new passion will arise in you and you see the world with new eyes. This becomes your new cause.
In society, as odd as you might feel around SOME people, you know you can hold your head high. There’s a funny theme for you this month, and it involves the concept of honor.
You know you’ve done the right thing. You’ve behaved well in relationships. If others have not, that is their problem, not yours. A recent setback on the family or home front has been disturbing but it could have been a whole lot more disturbing. It will work out. You have a lot to look forward to.
You are so smart, dear Gemini, I don’t even have to tell you this.
Single Gemini: dates, dates, dates! But people will be turning this way and that. You’ll feel as if you are dating on the Wheel of Fortune. Best to wait on commitment until later.
Coupled Gemini: your partner will be more attentive and loving. Your sex life should heat up and you will feel adored. Hallelujah!
Just remember that, karmically, many responsibilities and challenges are being given to you right now in your speech and writing and communications with others. As much as you’d like to, it’s not possible to control the conversation or conversations this month.
Timing is everything, and remember, your space ship goes 20 million miles faster than anybody else’s.
That said, you do have much more power available to you than at any other time this year and you should use it wisely. Want that new position, or job, or date? Just ask – persuasively – for it! You will more than likely get it, even if you cannot completely control the conversation.
Then – especially mid-month – make sure you balance your new budget. The only word of warning for this time: you will not be able to control every business communication you have and you may have a professional associate flake at the last moment.
Friends will surprise you at every turn and will be asking for your advice non-stop. You are always thinking, and mid-month your relentless analysis brings you an awesome idea for prosperity. (Write it down so you don’t forget it – remember those hot dates and invites – they may drive it right out of your mind.)
Your financial climate seems to depend, more and more, on whom you talk to nowadays. Everyone has their favorite position.
Let’s see what’s happening with your second house of cash and self-worth – because it’s a LOT.
Firstly, the almighty life-giving Sun, lovey Venus, and brilliant Mercury (your ruling planet). Then there is that new Cancer Moon happening on Friday, July 5.
Expect a change, and a positive one, to happen in your finances. Also, your confidence to grow in leaps and bounds.
Just remember what you want. Money this month will help you clarify it. What it is you really, really want.
Have patience in dealing with your projects. And your people. Avoid impulsive actions or speech. Get wise counsel when you need it.
In terms of love, family is key for you this month. You will see yourself more attached than usual and, in kind, their love will be pouring over you.
It is not the time for sizzling hot affairs, however tempted you may be – or however many offers you may receive. (Remember, due to sexy Mars coming into Gemini, there will be offers!)
Best to stay with the devil you know, than to try anything / anyone new. The only new element will come in your finances. And you will be very, very pleased!
Better no one get in your way at this time, no dramas, no messes. You mean business, and you will go far.
It is time to progress in your path which you very well know. Carpe diem. After a very necessary time of healing, during which you need to be patient.
July’s last week brings the magic carpet for you to shed an old self that no longer serves you. A new look restores you and makes you happy. It looks fantastic.
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Gemini?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola:
Murmuring by miriads in the shimmering trees.
Wakening with wonder.
– July 1914 by Wilfred Owen
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