February brings joyful news for Gemini as lucky Jupiter turns direct in your sign and in your first house Tuesday, February 4! Complexities and obstacles behind the scenes become clear. Jupiter’s retrograde has been holding you back in terms of your place in the world, and now you can go forward. Gemini wants fun, at least not to be bored, even during life’s funerals. You’re still popular, you know, and love rules the roost – but a loved one is baffling you, and you’d really rather just travel or watch something amazing. Tis the month to escape the worry pit, and the rut everyone’s created for you. More money and trips would seem to be the answer, the better for you to stretch your wings, and fly. Your brilliant ruler Mercury is the winged messenger after all.
BUT. It is February. And wise, karmic Saturn is in your tenth career house until May 2025. And then again from September 2025 to February 2026. Here is where you will feel the greatest challenges, and where you must work hardest to get the best rewards. Going it alone is not the way to go this year. You must find a way to get along with those who drive you crazy. Or not. But resolve it and make peace with it somehow. Let me remind you that Saturn is TIME. Saturn wants you to take time. Years. To grow old, mature, wise, patient; to wait. To learn. To work it out. You may have to arrange couple counseling with about ten people this year. That’s okay, Saturn says.
But back to what you would LIKE at this point.
Bold is the way to go this February: bold grabbing of opportunities which are plentiful.
For in your ninth house of faraway and expanded horizons you have:
Awesome, life-giving Sun
Your ruler, brilliant planet of thought and communication, Mercury
Planet of sudden change and burning, Pluto
Asteroid of nurturing and healing, Ceres
Asteroid of wisdom and knowledge, Pallas
A powerful new Aquarius Moon shares the day with the Lunar New Year (Snake) on Wednesday, January 29. Bringing you a brand-new offer.
And your ninth house, traditionally ruled by adventuresome Sagittarius, rules:
Anything or anyone far away
All things international
Broader horizons
Mind expansion
Other languages
Foreign countries
Outer Space
Schools, centers of religion, centers of law
E-Books and magazines
You have stunning possibilities in these areas. You will be persuasive and charismatic, at your most charming publicly beginning this Valentine’s Day, February 14. You will inspire others to do what you want to do (hey, who doesn’t want that?), and you will have a new job! A new account! Or a helluva new adventure!
You have the chance – or several chances – to set yourself up for your life in the future. But no more same old, same old: this will change! It’s exciting, Gemini, if not a little bit scary. New opportunities come to you out of the blue and threaten to alter your life if you can jump on them.
Make those calls. Email those people you normally might not. Get in touch (with any excuse – you’re brilliant, you’ll think of something). Reach out.
All sorts of magical adventures await you. Brilliant plans for the future will come to you. And it’s all going to be so much FUN!
Your luck begins with this horoscope. You’re due for a comeback, a big comeback. Lucky Jupiter brings it to you. Just – do not force yourself to make seriously important decisions this February.
Later February, you’re meant to go to lots of different parties and be seen around town. Your smarts and charm and humor (man, you are funny) do wonders. To enjoy life, in other words. To take a break from being the 24/7 analyst that you always are.
At the same time, I see you helping someone out in a big way, and it really comes back to you, karma-wise. Extra karma brownie points! So don’t be afraid to go out of your way. Your recipient is super-grateful, you do something good, and you are rewarded – what could be better than that?
In fact, this February can almost be described as a time of ideals and dreams. What you want and wish for, doing good, and making the world a better place. It is all about rising up above where you have been and going farther than you have. Dare to dream and dream big.
I have talked about your professional and social lives receiving an upgrade, so now what about love?
Choose your mate. And love the one you’re with.
Many of you are a bit wearied of the love scene right now. Try and try and try as you might, you’re just not getting it from your mate. Your mate may be preoccupied with other concerns, too busy, or just not so willing to give. Do not take this personally. It has nothing whatsoever to do with you.
Give it time. Saturn relaxes his cold, hard grip. You start to see a lifting, a lightening of all that has been heavy.
This applies to you single Gemini as well. Some of you have given up on the very idea of a mate (for now) and are just taking care of yourself.
Dear Gemini, you are right to worry about yourself. It is a good thing!
Instead of worrying endlessly about a partner, or lack thereof — concentrate on yourself. Whatever — or whomever — has not been putting out, may just start to change their behavior as February gets underway. Ahh…the power of the planets!
Owed monies will also start to come through. And you will — hopefully — be done with your legal or financial burden. (That part is up to you, dear Gemini! It seems you’re a bit late on your homework or legal paperwork or something.)
What do to about your finances? Be practical. Be smart. There’s no other way to say it, Gemini.
Clear up what you have to — cut the fat — either through therapy, or getting a job done, or just by throwing out your old clothes.
Otherwise, you just whip yourself into a frenzy with your UNMANIFESTED desires.
Speaking of desire, every Gemini, secretly, or not so secretly, wants to be a femme fatale, and you’ll have this wish granted, carte blanche, from February 4 – March 27. It’s impossible to ignore your yearnings when Venus unites with the fiery sign of Aries!
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Gemini? Call now.
Or click here to email my assistant Viola: viola@madalynaslan.com
Wan February with weeping cheer,
Whose cold hand guides the youngling year
Down misty roads of mire and rime,
Before thy pale and fitful face
The shrill wind shifts the clouds apace
Through skies the morning scarce may climb.
Thine eyes are thick with heavy tears,
But lit with hopes that light the year’s. – February by Mother Goose
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