You’re at your most articulate this month – for the whole year – so use this communications support wisely: what do you want to say, and to whom do you want to say it? As the majority of planetary forces are now in your third house, and your third house rules the internet, this covers online communications as well. If you were to compose and post your thoughts at this time, they’d be read by many and could possibly even go viral. Words (also ruled by the third house) you write to anyone has a powerful effect. This fantastic planetary support continues until Thursday, March 20.
With fortune planet Jupiter in your sixth house until June 9, you have better health with which to function – and incredible support for work and productivity; the more work you take on before June, the greater your finances become. Beyond the obvious. You can make more money from your work over the next three months than you have since working in 2012 – 2013. This very well might include a NEW type of work, a new position, which presents itself – and which you should certainly consider. Under the new Pisces Moon of Thursday, February 27 you may receive an important communication about this. Please do not ignore it.
Despite the obligatory things you must do, you create miracles this March. Something you write or say changes history! Your communication is that powerful. Meanwhile changes on the home front are crucial to help your financial situation. Do not let this last part undermine your creative excitement or energy; it simply must be done, and it will aid you in your quest for a happier life.
Capricorn overcomes any and all obstacles, and this is what is happening. Master of your fate, creator of your karma, you triumph every time. Please remember this when you are being so hard on yourself, dear Capricorn.
What? You’re thinking? Now, with all the mess that’s going on?
Think of your investments as mountains to be climbed. Remember that the goat is the best mountain-climber there is. Have more faith in yourself. This will happen in unexpected and surprising ways – though you may be less surprised than most. For you have an increasing great power of clarity in your vision now. You are seeing things in a sharper light than before. Trust your instincts. Particularly in your financial area after March 17.
Not only is your vision clearer than it has ever been, but your ideas that arise from that deep place called the unconscious are BRILLIANT. Give yourself some special time for your gut instincts and psychic visions. These will lead you to a stronger reality. You will produce masterpieces, as well as a potential fortune.
I can’t emphasize your writing enough! For in your third writing house you have:
Awesome, life-giving sun
Brilliant thought and communications planet Mercury
Dreamy Neptune
Nurturing Ceres
Your ruler, wise Saturn
A New Pisces Moon on Thursday, February 27
Body-wise and health-wise, issues may arise with your arms, shoulders, hands, lungs, brain, and nervous system (all that which Gemini, traditionally ruler of the third house, rules.) You may be spending too much time at the computer and need to rest your hands. Write long hand. On a deeper level, it’s about how you take in life; how you worry about the future; feeling deserving or worthy of living life fully; and your grief. Fear of losing those you love. As the universe only brings things up so you can deal with them and heal them, this, too, will be a marker for you – where to pay attention. Treatment you receive now and over the six months will reveal a great deal.
Your third house, traditionally ruled by articulate Gemini, covers these areas of your life:
All forms of communication
Especially WORDS
The internet
Social media
Knowledge and thought
Siblings, friends who feel like siblings, cousins
Your neighborhood
Short trips around your neighborhood
Trains, planes, and automobiles
Expressing yourself with your hands, your arms, your shoulders – Italian style, very expressive
The best news is that you soar on your own creativity and you have a blast brainstorming. As long as you don’t expect all the results immediately, March offers you one wildly fun and fab month!
The only truly low point this March occurs mid-month when you receive some some not so good news. You’ll be tempted to feel responsible, to blame yourself, which is useless. As well as simply not true. This does not say anything about you at all. Nor about what you’re worth.
You’re vulnerable in terms of how you value yourself. Everyone is.
The Virgo lunar eclipse full Moon on Thursday, March 13 occurs in your ninth house, the house of travel, that which is far away, law, education, and expansion. A certain door will close, and another door will open. You will initially be upset, but down the road it proves to be the best thing that could have happened. It motivates you.
Pluto, god of the underworld, is a wizard at clearing away detritus. He is the true Planet of Recycling. He is urging you, in your sign, now in your second financial house, to streamline your finances and spending.
And you must fuss about your career. Which means that you cultivate your brilliant sense of acting, striking, when the time is right. Which means that you might want to wait a while.
Watch the money come in, see how it comes in, and then make up your mind.
You can be anything you want to be, anything you set your mind to.
Your power is often hidden, like the power of the unconscious. Not less powerful, but less visible.
That is how you must conquer March.
This is how you do conquer March.
Time for your own private session?
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Capricorn? Call now.
Or click here to email my assistant Viola:
I hoped for you before –
Put down your Hat – You must have walked
How out of Breath you are
Dear March, how are you, and the Rest –
Dear March, Come In by Emily Dickinson
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