The approaching new Moon on July 5 is bringing amazingly powerful energy your way. Even second chances, do-overs, fresh starts. Some of you may be feeling the distant thunder roll already, either by jumping out of your skin or by feeling confused. Hang in there, Capricorn! Only a few more days and…
People go out of their way to please you and to meet your agreements and terms. You can basically write down a wish-list and make it your contract.
This explains why, despite feeling you never have a day off, there have been few rewards for your hard work. And the money situation hasn’t been exactly soothing, either.
But after July 5, your work conditions – with pay – will improve, and you begin to feel life moving forward again!
You may have asked in recent days: what have I been working toward anyhow? Well, dear Goat, as usual you’re being way too hard on yourself. You’re forgetting to see the whole picture.
You have magic at your disposal. And I’m not talking about oooo-oooo magic. I’m talking about the real thing. The force of faith or belief that makes impossible things occur and makes the unbelievable – believable.
If ever there was a survivor, it’s you. You are the very seed of impossibility. You not only make the impossible POSSIBLE, you make impossible things happen!
With this, you can do anything you set your mind to.
There is a strong emphasis this month on relationships, particularly on work relationships. A close partnership is experiencing quite a bit of pressure. Can you heal a rift? Yes. You can. Remember: SECOND CHANCES. DO-OVERS!
The dynamic that is stirring and building is the power of your choice. You are being given a set of two alternatives. Stick with what you have had in the past up to this moment – or go off on a new road.
The new Moon occurs July 5 in your seventh house, and you will experience a shift in your relating with someone important to you. A new approach will occur to you!
Be on the look-out for a Pisces, who may help you out mid-month – if you let her, or him.
Family members behave erratically and may change their minds at the last minute; be patient. Everyone’s going through their own – all too human – stuff.
After mid-month, the spotlight is on you – literally – when your full Moon (July 21) lights up your very own sign of Capricorn. You will be amazed by how many compliments you receive, so make sure you spend time with those whose opinion matters. It’s also a great time to go to a party where, I guarantee, stunning photos will be taken!
The best news for all of July concerns your relationships! You have blessings upon and a deepening of what you have now, you have special new ones coming in, and you have a necessary and healthy letting go of some old ones.
As hard as the last one may be, it is up to you, dear Goat. You will need to be the initiator. As Shakespeare wrote in All’s Well That Ends Well:
Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie
Which we ascribe to heaven.
Look to yourself for the remedy; do not expect a rescue. You are a loyal and dear friend and you give a great deal. Make sure this is reciprocated in your partnerships, both in love and in business.
If not, it is time for change. And the change may be somewhat forced upon you as early as the beginning of July, with the new Moon in your seventh house of partnerships on July 5. Along with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury.
Because the Sun, Venus, and Mercury are beneficient – all positive – the relationship change will be a good one. You will also receive the offer of a new partnership, a new business partnership or a new friend!
Single Goats will be hooking up all over the place this July.
Just look at your line-up. It is completely doubtful you will still be single by the end of the summer.
Those excruciating love affairs that your Sagittarius friends went through in past years can now be yours.
Just kidding – they don’t have to be excruciating! Again, up to you. You will be able to pick and choose.
Coupled Goats: You’re growing closer to somebody…! Your relationship moves to a new level, and new commitments will be made, such as a new engagement, for example, or a renewal of your vows.
A few of you may decide to throw in the towel completely this July, although it is not likely and this will be a very few of you. Either way, you will be ready for a change.
Family-wise: You may feel, after all, family deciding to give you a home toward the middle, rather than the beginning, of your life.
You deserve to keep a reputable reputation. Karmic Saturn – your wise beautiful ruler – challenges you in your tenth house of public reputation and career, posing challenges for you to grow through and learn.
You will be handling more job responsibilities and work commitments this year and next, and you have to wait for some time for all the rewards to come in.
But you are used to that. If anyone has waited, it is you! Waiting is the hardest thing and you have spent lifetimes doing it. I am sorry. Very difficult.
A reader wrote in and asked if I thought Capricorns had the hardest time (she is a Capricorn), and I had to say yes, next to Scorpio. Just in terms of pure endurance.
You climbed up that bare mountain – in the middle of winter – a long time.
Bravo for surviving and triumphing – and getting to the top of the mountain. You are a master of persistence. Thank God for you!
A huge life-change enveloped you in its wings and you had to grow in a New York minute. As if you weren’t born an old soul – you were – to begin with! Well, now you’re an even wiser soul. For you did grow, and you have been gifted with incredible and amazing love.
You are so loved, Capricorn! It makes me weep to see how much. It is a beautiful thing.
So those of you still going through life alone, it is time to let in the love. Let us love you, too.
A somewhat older man – a mentor or father figure or someone you are in love with – is of great help and support this July. For most of you this will be professional, a respected man in your field who helps you out. He will introduce you to many powerful people.
For a very few of you, this will just be a divine continuance of say, your husband supporting you, or your father, or a boyfriend.
Finally, and speaking of support, it is time to talk about money.
A word of advice: do not spend rashly, do not get luxurious. As broke as you can be, you do always have the nicest things – how is that?
You have the finest taste – there, I’ve said it. Capricorns have the finest taste. Then Libras, and so on down the line.
I love going out to dinner with Capricorns – you eat so beautifully and have such exquisite manners that it is a joy to watch. I love watching you eat.
It’s the rare Capricorn who is slovenly – but I’ve known a few. One was my best friend. They are usually going through extreme bouts of depression, whether they know it or not. Unhealed. They do, eventually, heal and then are a joy to watch again.
Which you will be this July, when your rift and shift will be sorted. New financial agreements help, too.
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Capricorn?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola:
Murmuring by miriads in the shimmering trees.
Wakening with wonder.
– July 1914 by Wilfred Owen
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