November 19, Pluto left your sign after fifteen long years, and you should just now be breathing a sigh of relief. Shocks and disruptions to the body, affecting your health, sudden changes to yourself and your status, all areas ruled by your first house have been severely affected since 2008. And now these will be gone, never to return in your lifetime. This is massive news astrologically. Pluto has not been in Aquarius – where it entered this November 19 – since the time period of 1778 – 1798, which was the time of The Revolutionary War in the U.S. You should be feeling a huge difference, in yourself and in your body, and if you haven’t already, you will be feeling it soon, dear Capricorn.
Planet of love and beauty Venus is currently in your sign and first house until December 7. This not only protects you but has you looking good as well. Enjoy for yourself and with family and good friends.
For now, until December 21, Sagittarius season, is your rest time. It is the month in which the main planets have gone to sleep in your twelfth house, and you need to do the same. It can feel like darkest before dawn, and in a way it is, as following this time, the planets move into Capricorn and your first house, and you burst back onto the scene!
But first, rest, retreat, and plenty of private time. Your system is still reverberating from the shocks you’ve endured. (I slept for three months after finishing with my chemo and radiation treatments and finding out I was cancer-free.) While recovering, Capricorn, ask yourself what you really want for the future. Give yourself most of December before you make any binding decisions. You can count on the healing activity currently going on in your twelfth house to aid you.
In your soul-searching twelfth house you have all this support: the awesome, life-saving Sun, thought and speech planet brilliant Mercury (in retrograde November 25 to December 15), nurturing Ceres, wise Pallas, and an expansive new Sagittarius Moon on Sunday, December 1.
Because Mercury is retrograde, when everyone and everything slows way, way down, you really will be just going with the flow, and you won’t “miss” anything.
Expect a real aha moment at the beginning of December – that Sagittarius new Moon on December 1 and – no doubt – a solution, a brainstorming answer to your questions!
Your twelfth house, traditionally ruled by psychic Pisces, covers these areas of your life:
Psychological healing
Your unconscious
Your imagination
Writing and journaling
Activating your psychic gifts
Psychic renewal
Healing and therapy: WHY do you suffer so much?
Your Past and its various complexes
Buried Sorrows: the way you sabotage yourself
All physical inhibitions – including retreats and places of confinement – and your room!
Meditate on the answers you need, and they will come to you. Declare a truce and throw your arms up in surrender. Everyone needs a helping hand once in a while.
Please don’t put this off because this kind of private time and healing won’t come around again for another year. As 2025 begins, everything shifts to your sign and the spotlight is on you! Then it is time to move your projects and finances and decisions forward.
You move forward, toward the light. From January 7 you are at your most articulate and convincing. So schedule the most visible time for you then and for now enjoy the Mercury retrograde and the holidays.
You will find yourself in a new powerful position soon enough, so for now, relax with what you’ve got. Stop beating yourself up about this and that. You have nothing more to be afraid of! You are blessed. Obviously.
For you creatives and entrepreneurs December is a particularly potent month, in which your ideas will be brilliant and plentiful. Thinking of a new startup business? Go to it. Thinking of that novel you’ve always wanted to write? Start writing it. When you do come out into the world again, surround yourself with helpful and optimistic people. You know what? After all is said and done, you might say this could be the best thing that ever happened to you!
Although I kinda doubt it.
But here’s a nice extra! With planet of love and beauty Venus – so beautiful, the ancient Greeks wrote, that flowers grew wherever she walked – in your sign of Capricorn, you’re looking pretty darned attractive for someone so beaten up.
Meanwhile, in relationships, here is your story…
NASA claims that scientists believe planets are formed when the dust around a young star begins to clump. Some clumps grow to the size of mountains, and smash into each other. Matter is then absorbed to create a larger embryonic planetoid. These planetoids collide with each other, creating more dust and rocky chunks. That keep smashing into each other! This brutal stage of planet growth lasts perhaps 10 million years or so. A blink of an eye in astronomical terms.
I think this pretty much sums it up so far, don’t you, Capricorn? The planet that is forming in your life along these lines is called Relationship. It is, indeed, in a pretty brutal stage of planet growth.
This December, you must make a decision. A relationship is growing anyway, for better or worse – but where are you? Your closest relationships, both in love and work, are now calling for you to get off the pot and get real. Although you’d rather avoid altogether, your sitting it out won’t help matters any.
NASA ends its story – it sounds like a pretty grim Brothers Grimm story ending to me – with “Then there is a long, steady, quieter cleanup period in which the unused dust dissipates.” You get to decide which part dissipates. This you do through what you think and meditate on this month. Make up your mind what is essential and what is not.
Life happens anyway, right? You may as well be part of it, and master of your own ship.
Single Capricorn: Do not give up hope. It has been a very long time for some of you which makes it hard. But Do. Not. Give. Up. Hope.
Coupled Capricorn: You reign supreme, and together. You grow closer. For both of you, a powerful man is central to this month. A man who is an authority but who is an equal. He gets along very well with you. An exciting new alliance can be formed – not necessarily romantic – but a match of some kind.
No fearing the worst.
For you are the Winter Winner!
Remember: You are born during the most challenging time of the year. The trees and ground are bare, and it is time to squirrel away and save for the future. Despite ancient fears about survival, there is faith and hope. You are being born! There is birth and life even in the dead of winter. You are practical. You go forward, and up. You come out on the top. You are the Winter Winner! As I tell my Capricorn children in my children’s astrology book, What’s Your Sign? (makes a great Christmas gift!)
You succeed over life’s obstacles, and you always, always come out on top.
All you had to do was pull out your teeth, and give them to the world, right? (Many of you had to do this without painkillers.) You have sacrificed. Now, let go of that pagan past and move forward from this moment. You are supported more than you know.
As December progresses you will be called into the world – to strut your stuff – and with the most brilliant master plan with which to go forward. And you can start checking off each thing on that list, as you accomplish, accomplish, accomplish! But now, rest.
P.S. Happy Holidays!
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Capricorn? Call now.
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