The big news is Pluto leaving your career sector after fifteen hard, long years. The professional disruptions and changes – and so suddenly! – have been enough to drive anyone round the bend. From abrupt leave-takings of, and parting of ways with, colleagues and advisors to unexpected changes in employment due to outside influences, you have not felt you were going in one straight direction, but, instead, challenged and blocked at every turn. Being an inventive and brave Aries, as you are, you found many ways to deal with this, and, sometimes, alternative paths. Some of you, beating all the odds as Aries do, succeeded in top positions. Now, the odds cease, and, as of this past November 19, 2024, you may breathe a huge sigh of relief. You are, again, after 15 years, going forward, directly, on your life path in one easy direction. Brava, Aries!
So you’re on a powerful new path and energy bursts forward in relationships and in positive agreements. Allow others to love you fully. You have awesome courage, daring, boldness, loyalty, generosity, and individuality. Celebrate these talents.
Also, prepare for an international contact to enter your life around the new Sagittarius Moon in your ninth house on Sunday, December 1: exciting news as December begins. Responses and keeping in touch, however, will be challenged for 3 weeks as Mercury is retrograde in this same ninth house November 25 – December 15. So just hang in there for these 3 weeks, persist, and you will triumph after December 15.
You must hang in there, for faraway horizons are blessed.
For you have in your ninth faraway house: the awesome, life-saving Sun, brilliant thought and speech planet Mercury, even though in retrograde November 25 – December 15, nurturing Ceres, wise Palla, and a daring new Sagittarius Moon on Sunday, December 1.
Your ninth house, traditionally ruled by adventurous Sagittarius, covers these areas in your life:
Anything – or person – faraway
Other cities, states, countries, continents, planets
Anything international
Different cultured and languages
Lawyers, courts, laws, trials, cases
Education, academics, university
Belief systems
Broadening your horizons
Outer space
In your sign of Aries, you have Chiron in retrograde, and this brings up a nervous tension, picked up from a family member when young, which has been repressed for years. This now is your chance to heal it. Once and for all! Then you have a full Gemini Moon coming up in your third house of communications on Sunday, December 15. Be careful with your temper around that time. Someone will utterly infuriate you.
Steady, it ain’t.
This concerns your body, appearance, and behavior. You’ve been too busy to love it properly, lavishly – and now you will! Aries and your first house rule self, body, appearance, behavior, demeanor – your image in the world. How you appear to others. Just in case, clean up your body and behavior, make it spotless.
For instance…no matter how much you are attracted to bad boys – on all levels – you must remain pristine. This drives most Aries crazy. Be the one to rise above the pack, and let it work to your advantage. You can have all the adventures you want, just remain pristine. Sometimes it’s not considered “cool”. It’s old-fashioned, after all. It’s classical values. It’s true taste. Which you have. Give this all you’ve got this December. You have five heavenly bodies in expanding your world.
You are going to get what you deserve and what you are worth. Are you ready?
I know you are exhausted from the struggle. I know it.
Why do certain people torture you so much?
Yes, that relative of yours may be a secret alien – communication has never been their strong point – but Aries, remember: you have the power of Mars. Not everyone is born with this. And this is your biggest time career-wise coming up, so you better step up to the podium. We need to hear your words. What you think, how carefully you think, how deeply and connected to the earth you are – you are the sign of birth on earth after all, Spring – and how passionate you are.
As only your best friend would tell you, you’ve already started to sound better. It’s been a crazy year. Across the board.
What brings this up is that you have been neglecting yourself terribly. You’ve only just recently enabled yourself to begin to replenish. In terms of your body and your health, nothing too extreme. Even a sip of wine is allowed. For a month. Try it! What have you got to lose?
This would be an excellent time to begin an exercise schedule and better eating habits, as well as to let yourself out of the grip of any addictions. December finds you being the wisest you have ever been, as you surmount and triumph over obstacle after obstacle. Think of all that you have learned, think of all that you have gone through! It begins to make more sense this month as things fall into place.
December is an ideal time to take up that new study or lessons you’ve been wanting to do as you have so much planetary support in your arena of learning! You will do brilliantly.
Just remember Mercury Retrograde! For three weeks, November 25 to December 15. When everything goes backwards, and slows down. And besides the obvious, old work friends pop up and even some old flames. It gets even more intense when, to your surprise, you will go to certain holiday parties. Dress and look your best.
How you sell something is through yourself, and your power and belief in yourself.
There will be a great deal of correspondence between you and those of other cultures. Even if they look like you, some of us come from different cultures. You must make times to visit.
A great peace descends on you as you approach the beginning of your very own planet sexy Mars going into your sixth house next month. It is not for you to slow down. You are working hard, but are you working smart? You may find that more can be done behind the scenes.
It is time to do only that which is good for yourself, to love yourself. You may be slightly disappointed as the holidays approach as you are not doing exactly what you want to be doing.
Relationships do seem to get in the way, which is exactly how it’s meant to be. You learn your greatest lessons here over the next year: how to let people do what they do. Try to steer clear of being a Dear Abby this month. Your closest and dearest have minds of their own and are stubborn to boot. Your attempts at good advice will be met with arguments. It is just the stars! It will not last forever. Overall, it’s time to get serious about your relationships and partnerships this year.
Because your professional life will prove to be good luck for you — you will see!
P.S. Happy Holidays!
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Aries? Call now.
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In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter, long ago.
– In the Bleak Midwinter by Christina Rossetti
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