Your ruler, brilliant Mercury, is in your sign until Thursday, September 26, making you more sure than ever about a controversial plan of action. You can – and must – trust yourself absolutely on this one, and take action. Self-cultivation is key now, and this necessitates a cessation of worry about money. October will be very active financially, due to both your second and eighth houses glowing like lighthouses.
Everything is stirring in your second traditionally Taurus-ruled house of finances and self-worth:
Almighty, life-saving Sun
Communications planet Mercury – your brilliant ruler (after September 26)
Adoring Juno
A Libra solar eclipse new Moon on October 2
All that your second house rules:
Your personal resources
What you own
Future planning
The value of everything
Luxurious surroundings
Expect a great boost in your self-worth this October. You will feel great about yourself.
Your reputation is already established in your work, you do not have to worry about that, and all you need do now is work toward the future.
A plan you already have becomes concrete as October begins. (And you can always wish for more!)
Pluto goes direct in your fifth house of conception on Friday, October 11, signifying the beginning of profound changes in any of your offspring: your kids, your art, your ideas. Either your child is changing, or you unearth an ancient idea which makes you a fortune, or you edit your work into a masterpiece. No bad choices and no disasters. Saturn and Pluto get a bad rap in astrology but they are both actually very deep and beautiful planets. And they teach us more than any of the other planets combined. Look in your natal chart (when you were born) and see which house your Saturn is in: this really tells of your deepest challenges until the age of fifty-five or so.
So – there are yet more travels! And you may have been disappeared from the real world long enough. Busy. Making things better. It’s been challenging but you’ll see that you did everything right after all. Meanwhile, a partner is wishing more, pressing more, and you must give. It’s simply your turn. Your partner has not known whom to turn to.
A full Aries Moon lights up your eighth house of sharing mid-month (October 17, to be exact). Time to look closely at your shared resources. Not only in terms of money, but in terms of time, work, care and concern.
A plan you already have becomes concrete as October begins. (And you can always wish for more!)
October ends up being a month of celebration, one you remember forever.
Manifesting will increase your own value as well, and you will find any confidence that has slipped in the last couple of years now returns full force.
You more than survived, you thrived. Look at you now! Those accomplishments under your belt! Really magnificent. BRAVO.
I know how hard it was to get here and to get here as well as you have. I know how hard you worked and challenged yourself – on many levels. It is impressive, your achievement.
A lot of inner work as well as educational work – that was just plain learning. Bravo again.
Now you have a chance to increase your income – which is another hurdle and has been giving you some headaches. Now is the time to manifest the amount of money you really need. For this you might need a little help.
As self-sufficient as you are, don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. Remember, lucky Jupiter is in your house of friends, associates and community until June 9, 2025 – bringing valuable help from these areas.
I want you to place your hand over your heart, pushing in a little. And take a DEEP, DEEP breath. Filling your hand. Extra breath. Hold to the wise center of light. And release. You’re blowing out all the worries, tensions, anxieties, toxins, poisons. Just let them go. And again – deep, DEEP breath, then extra breath, hold, and let go.
And again, this time closing your eyes and seeing the wise center of light. Seeing that dark room where you’ve been hiding, hurt, and fill it with sunlight, fill it with air. Let it all flow.
And now ask for what you deserve. What is due to you. Nothing more, and nothing less. What you need.
Miracles have a way of happening, dear Virgo…you will see. The opportunities will come to you.
Now in love – well, that’s another story. Pluto goes direct October 11 in your fifth house of romance and passion. Meaning there are some changes afoot. On the deepest level.
For better or worse – that’s up to you. But I expect you to have some pretty steamy nights by the end of the month!
And this includes travel – to different cities, countries, cultures. Travel with a friend, if you can. I see that a friendship has been recently repaired, or put on stronger footing, and this might be the best friend to go with on your trip.
Some loved ones you have said goodbye to and will never see again, but then there is that loved one who just keeps coming back…it’s not finished. You will work on this for years.
Finally with work, all you need do is get realistic and work with what you have. And there is no-one better than you at doing this. You are doing well.
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Virgo?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola:
The trees’ painted wings
float toward earth,
humming arias and madrigals
You cry out, ‘Love might be like this!’ – October Opus by David Kowalczyk
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