Your social life and networking picks up beginning this Sunday, February 23, with sexy Mars going direct in your eleventh social house. Mars has been in a nasty retrograde, causing people to lose their tempers, and now the conflict ceases. You make a new friend, or, at the very least, a new work or business contact at the new Pisces Moon of Thursday, February 27. Then March is ALL about relationships and you’ll have a good time!
Your career continues to climb with fortune planet Jupiter bringing plenty to your tenth career house until June 9. For the next four months it would be advantageous for you to take extra risks and leaps of faith when it comes to your life path, direction, and career. More opportunities present themselves to you over the next four months than will appear in the next 12 years, until 2037. Let that sink in a bit.
The big news this March horoscope is the Virgo lunar eclipse and full Moon – in your sign! And in your first house of looks and body. This occurs Thursday, March 13. This forces you to look critically at your past and forge a path toward healing and forgiveness.
Let it go for now, or you will go crazy. It’s an impossible time for everyone and as March begins, at least, you get financial news which brings relief. Continue with a new business collaboration and use its profits for therapy and healing. You need self-care now. And close old friends. Those who reaffirm your inner worth. For inner worth translates into outer wealth. And body-wise and health-wise, March’s eclipse brings up issues in the next month with your skin, kidneys, and lumbar region (any and all that which Libra, traditional ruler of the seventh house, rules.) You will need to pay attention to them.
Psychologically, you’ll want to look at and examine how you handle stress and anxiety, old buried things, and feeling threatened by repeats of the past. How you repress things until they erupt on the surface, on your skin. How you may be experiencing sadness and disappointment in a relationship. You may be particularly thin-skinned and sensitive at this time. As the universe brings things up only so you can deal with them and heal them, this will be a marker for you – where to pay attention. Treatment you receive now and over the six months will reveal a great deal.
Relationships will get under your skin like nothing else. But there’s fantastic support here, too.
For in your seventh house of relationships you have:
Awesome, life-giving sun
Your ruler, brilliant thought and communications planet Mercury
Dreamy Neptune
Nurturing Ceres
Wise Saturn
A New Pisces Moon on Thursday, February
In your seventh house, you have lots of planetary action going on, and of course this makes you want to furiously heal everything in your seventh House. And what is everything in your Seventh House?
Your Seventh House, traditionally ruled by others-oriented Libra, covers these areas of your life:
All Your Partnerships, both in love and in business
Soul mates
Work partners and agents
Professional Colleagues and Collaborative Projects
Discussions about beauty and harmony
This means, most probably, that others’ actions and plans will be changing a mile a minute too.
You’ve got a lot going on here as well! How you take care of yourself. Sadly, for you Virgos, this often translates into how you take care of others. Why don’t you take care of yourself once in a while? (And yes, that means taking care of the environment. It’s where you live, right?)
But as I said, no decisions now. I would wait before you make anything new final.
Virgo accomplishes what the rest of us think is impossible.
The bee is the busiest, most useful insect of all. It pollinates. Without this, many fruits and flowers would not exist. If bees stopped existing, so would animals, crops, and much of our ecosystem.
However you feel, dear Virgo, you’ve got to keep going – and remember, holding your head high. Riding with honor.
Just be careful around a volatile Pisces, in particular.
Like this Pisces, how are you gambling on your life? It’s thought to be unusual for Virgos to do this but Chiron, the wounded healer, is acting up, making a drama, so what can you do? Go with the flow, and please stop worrying, and let Chiron finish its wounding and healing of your relationships. Mending breaks and burned bridges is crucial now.
As emotionally stirred up as you may be feeling, that’s a wonderfully bright day to look forward to.
And you’re exhausted. As Chiron delivers quite a wallop, and you’ve had quite a wallop in your relationships area, this will be a GOOD thing.
You’re ready to heal wounds from your service to others. Also to bring you back to your true purpose and obligations. Oh yeah…what happened to those? Chiron, our Celestial Confronter, brings them back into focus for you. You’ll be so glad, dear Virgo. You will see!
Your ruler brilliant Mercury goes retrograde Saturday, March 15, and stays retrograde until Monday, April 7. The usual advice applies: go Zen, stay flexible when plans go awry (everyone is late, or misses appointments and meetings during Mercury retrograde), back up your files (computers and phones act up), don’t make major technological or transport (like a car) purchases, don’t sign, and stay calm. As this occurs in your eighth house the retrograde will most likely hold up funds after March 15. Stay patient for the next 3 weeks! You’ll be rewarded amply.
Time for your own private session?
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Virgo? Call now.
Or click here to email my assistant Viola:
Dear March – Come in – How glad I am –
I hoped for you before –
Put down your Hat – You must have walked
How out of Breath you are
Dear March, how are you, and the Rest –
Dear March, Come In by Emily Dickinson
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