No more same-old, same-old with the planetary activity in your ninth house – Sun, Mercury, Venus, and a new Moon July 5 – and the best thing to do is to go with it, sink or swim. Your life is expanding and changing, for better or worse. Your financial life is extremely protected all year long so you can breathe in that area and have more room with which to work. Lucky Jupiter is in your eighth house until June 6, 2025!
Pallas retrograde is in your sign of Scorpio. It shows where you may be a master of negotiation and how you tap into your personal power. With you now, it is all about the body. Your lovely external. It is challenging you to expand your horizons and embrace new learning experiences.
You really should get away this month. Your ninth house lends its support to travel, foreign climes and people, and opening your mind to the new and different. Do it, Scorpio! Now is the best time – of the whole year – and I urge you to take advantage.
A note: many of you Scorpios are currently riled up about a relationship. Feisty Mars in your seventh relationship house. But this time will pass, and as soon as July 20, when Mars will leave.
Then Scorpio is finally back in the saddle – Yes! After the end of June, there’s no looking back. Your mastery increases, all through July’s mood swings, until you feel clearer than you have in FIVE years. Long time to go without. New beginnings and greater strength come mostly through your new sense of home, which is invaluable.
Saturn retrograde in your passion love house is still asking you to learn from past lessons, to not repeat old mistakes, until August 13. And it’s a lot of lessons and homework – still. (Sorry about that.) Try to do it all differently.
But you’re going to enjoy your first month of people really bending your way – a lucky streak lasting all year – and culminating in many positive partnerships, both personally and professionally.
Be wary of your ancient ruler Mars making negotiations too hot and remember to breathe deeply when you can. There are a lot of new partnerships coming into your life, both in business and in love, and they promise to be beneficial, if not outright profitable.
Business-wise: Find your agent, your lawyer, your business partner this year! July is a prime month to do this.
Health-wise: Planet of shocks (no doubt some of them painful) Uranus is retrograde in your seventh house. So please try to prepare before then. So you won’t have to REPAIR after then. Work-related injuries and pains are highlighted after July 29, so, again, be careful..
As always, consult a good doctor, and if necessary a specialist. I am only a psychic specialist.
Health was a bit wonky for you in May, but now it is time to board the ship!
As the saying goes,
ships are safe in harbor
but that’s not what ships were built for.
In career, a few words of advice: do not bring the personal into the work-place. This means no affairs in the work-place. All professional.
You’ll be glad you did. Because a ton of rewards are coming in. So decide carefully what you want.
Pluto Retrograde is still hard to bear in your fourth house of home. Sudden changes, like a certain someone leaving unexpectedly.
Expect some catching up from the past occur. You could meet someone who reminds you of a special past someone.
July will be all about clearing that ancient stuff up. Direct Karma is the board game you should be playing now.
Build the foundation, Scorpio. And the money will come.
The more solid and realistic you are about your home and property and family, the better you do. And you expand this month – into the world, beyond your immediate, learn, travel, even if it is only in your mind. All is stirring in your ninth house of expanded horizons: Almighty, life-giving Sun, brilliant Mercury, beauty Venus, and that lovely new Moon July 5.
Faraway work will make you worry at the beginning of the month but this will cease completely by mid-month. So, relax, and count your blessings. You are a rare sign. Breathe in.
As you are going through an important experience involving your home, allow me to remind you of your self when you were younger. Do not throw out the baby with the dirty bathwater, Scorpio! Why, oh why, do you spend so much time in denial of this? Let us heal this right NOW. You do not have time for this denial energy anymore, life is too important and you have too many things to do.
Most importantly, it is a good time to trust your partner, family member, or business partner(s).
In terms of your professional associations, no one seems to be sure quite what IS happening (!) but let that be for now. Your work and future projects need to sort themselves out without human interference before they become clear.
In other words, let the universe take care of your career right now.
What else can you do for the next couple of weeks? I mean, honestly!
You’re lucky now, you can relax. No more worrying for you. Doctor’s orders!
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Scorpio?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola:
Murmuring by miriads in the shimmering trees.
Wakening with wonder.
– July 1914 by Wilfred Owen
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