You are loved and adored – there is nothing for you to worry about. But right now, the pressure has got to come off. You’ve driving yourself mad – or close to it. Making wrangles of everything in your mind. Loved ones at a distance have disappointed you severely, and those nearer to you haven’t been so easy either. The former is too distracted, the latter is too busy projecting and dumping.
Something a loved one has been keeping from you will crush you if you let it – so don’t let it. There are many milestones – life-changing milestones – every October for you – particular dates which come up every year, and you must save your energy for each one, and choose your battles wisely. (So don’t stress about the secret when it dawns on you, it’s disappointing / hurtful, but not worth a battle.)
In terms of a plan or project: Just a few more days – hang in there! Do not make what seem like life-altering decisions yet.
The last few days have been overwhelming, if not impossible. And yet, your luck has begun to strike. Some wonderful things, there’s hope on the horizon, and the stalemate is breaking.
The ice is cracking, Libra! And you are getting ready to make huge changes. Changes so huge they would have been unthinkable even a month ago.
Let go of those commitments that have been burdening you. You’re not failing, you are awakening fully to your own needs. You are coming from who you are NOW. Be proud of this, feel good about who you are.
Libra can even be pickier than Virgo when it comes to how things need to be.
So, no rising to the great occasion nor having to make it all perfect. What if you gave yourself time to enjoy life?
Once you make your decision about letting go of that dead weight commitment, your professional life starts to get much easier. Support and help appears from (seemingly) out of the blue. You even look better!
Libra rules the skin and this is what you need to take care of the most. The skin protecting your body, both physical and astral. Weed out those situations that cause you stress. Surround yourself with beauty, in all forms.
Remember the adage: luck favors the prepared. If you are ready, it will come. So get ready. Make yourself feel as good as possible.
Accept the celebration of yourself. Which is your life.
As September ends – except for a slight kerfluffle with a loved one – and as October begins, and all through October, you are shining.
Positively shining.
For everything is dancing in your sign this October. Your first house of self. You have incredible planetary support. You have in here:
Almighty, life-saving Sun
Brilliant communications planet Mercury
Adoring Juno
A Libra solar eclipse new Moon on October 2
And your first house, traditionally ruled by confident Aries, rules:
Your persona
Your body
How you look
Your self-image
Your behavior
Your demeanor
Pushing yourself to be stronger, more bold, less self-doubting, to take care of yourself, to dress yourself properly…
Well, someone’s got to do it.
So that means all those boring things: exercise, meditation, dieting, not drinking, not smoking.
Or else Saturn will wham you in the face.
I don’t know how else to say it.
But that’s the way he does it.
Debbi Kempton-Smith describes Saturn’s punishment as, ” a slow horror show”, which sums it up very well. It’s a slow horror show – home movie – of your life like the Ghost of Christmas Past. And then the Ghost of Christmas Future.
Terrifying. So, no, you don’t want to go that route.
Saturn rewards you if you study. If you do and learn the lessons. He only punishes you if you don’t do the lessons. If you don’t, wham in the face, slow horror home movie of your life.
And if you do – and learn – the lessons, indescribable rewards of the sweetest most benevolent nature come. Like the Turkish Delight in Narnia, but even better. Feeling so deserving, gracious, thankful. For all the good things.
He makes you wait a long time – think the turtle not the hare and remember who won the race – and likes to reward you when you have really gone through it.
A hardcore planet. The hardest one we have. Army, almost. In your sixth house of health and daily work routines until June 3, 2027.
Your past can haunt you. What you did – or didn’t – do. How you would have done it differently, if you could just step back in – just for a few moments – as you are now –
You have a very creative, imaginative mind, dear Libra. And you can use it to absolutely torture yourself. Please stop it, dear.
Attached Libra, you’ve been driving your partner bonkers. But it’s okay – as I said, you are loved and adored. And you are going to put yourself first this October. It’s time.
Dating Libra, you have a full Aries Moon to look forward to mid-month (October 17), and can expect a partnership to deepen and be completed. If this fails to pass, you will move on.
Single Libra, kiss your solitary struggle goodbye. From here on in, you will heal with another.
All Libras, life will be much more romantic and you will feel supremely confident.
Record your ideas and start writing seriously. You will go far with this, and you must have faith in yourself to pull it off. Creative Libras, artists and entrepreneurs, take note.
You will feel an extra level of comfort and security around this time. The rest of October passes by extremely enjoyably, and you feel much more settled.
As beautiful Autumn slides in you will have a sense of the wonders awaiting you: Saturn finally rewards, not punishes!
But it’s also not business as usual in your home. Pluto goes direct here October 11 and starts his rumblings about changes in the home. Property. People you live with.
There will be changes here brought about by you. It is your own, inner work that transforms your home. These are good changes. Out with the old, in with the new.
And you are definitely going to be out of the house more. It’s time to come back. To come back to the public. Just for the next month or so.
Until October 13 you CANNOT just sit in the house. After this time, sit all you want.
But this time – through October – you must be listened to, seen to, talked to, you must shine, and behave.
It’s a star-making moment!
So get out there, take your trips, make your appearances, go to those parties, hand out your card, before October 13, if you can. Schedule a trip in now, if you have to.
Don’t wait.
I’m not saying you’ve been out of circulation, it’s simply that you’ve been feeling rather down. And this month, you come out of that. For a long time.
Your best, cleaned up, shined down, dressed, gussied up self. Now, sometimes, one party is all it takes. You don’t have to go out every night. You can’t. There’s too much work to do. So – if it’s one night only in this month that you have your big gala moment, go for it.
Just keep doing the meditating, the exercise, the diet, the rest of the time, and get ready for it.
You will have great success with this: actually, bargaining, negotiating, from September 25 to October 13. So bargain and negotiate then!
This month is very potent for you in terms of attractiveness and attracting. This October you’re alluring.
I see this culminating at the full Moon mid-month, in your seventh house of partnerships.
Be careful sorting out a wound you’ve sustained from a loved one. Sometimes people are just too distracted, side-tracked, brainwashed by their own lives, to really care properly.
So, let everyone be on their own path, at their own appointed times, and you continue on yours. Let that love that didn’t last, or that career opportunity that didn’t materialize, or that missed opportunity in whatever area of your life, go now.
Forgive yourself. Move on. You are in the best place, at the right time.
You are standing behind the curtain, on the red carpet, waiting for it to open, and for you to see the audience.
And what do you want to present to them?
This is the question of now and October, and you will answer it.
Extremely satisfactorily.
Soak up the admiration that surrounds you this October.
You deserve it.
Just do the work!
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Libra?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola:
The trees’ painted wings
float toward earth,
humming arias and madrigals
You cry out, ‘Love might be like this!’ – October Opus by David Kowalczyk
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