You’ve pulled off a coup in the last three months of 2024 that has me gasping. You did it, Libra, you did it. Now, take a break. Sleep, get a cold, whatever puts you guilt-free into bed. When you wake up it will be 2025, and you will have recovered your superpowers. It will only be for a couple of days. Go with it!
The world around you is swimming like crazy goldfish in two opposite directions, and it has almost torn you into two. No more. Attain the detachment of Buddha.
Even though it’s the holidays, you’ve been thinking about work and all you have to do, and worried – or sad – about loved ones. Give yourself a break. It’s the end of 2024. You are exhausted. You have done more this year than you ever thought possible. Now try to keep yourself in balance while Ghosts of Christmas Past threaten to tip you over. Allow partners and kindred spirits and animals to calm you down.
Mid-January, you will feel great relief. The collective sigh is sighed. Something which has been in negotiation forever, trying to reach a conclusion, finally comes to an end. It is resolved. You can expect this around the full Moon of Monday, January 13 in your career house. After this, you stop spinning your wheels and settle in for an uninterrupted period of good, satisfying work.
But now, as the new year begins, you need more than anything to get to a place where you can have peace. To take stock of your life and decide what is most honorable, the right thing for you. Make your decision based on the reality in front of you, not on what you hope might happen, or on any kind of dream or fantasy. Give it a month. And then make your move.
You deserve so much better, Libra. And it is being offered to you – all that you want – but you must have patience and give it another month. Some of you may feel like you are falling apart, but keep going. You are making the right decisions at this time. Particularly concerning your home and any form of property. You can trust yourself.
The dark covers you, and gives way, through dreams, to a new day. You are doing something amazing, Libra, and you shouldn’t ever forget this. As hard as this is, as much pressure it has put you under – the rewards are so multi-splendored, so stunning and sparkling and so what you want. Remember, the focus is foremost on your home and where you want to be.
How secure do you feel? With all that is going on in the world? Are you able to have a place of retreat and calm in your home? Do you feel loved and protected? The universe brings you an intriguing offer in January’s second week, close to the beginning of the week. It is definitely worth your while, and you will need to make a decision. (Oh, no! Libran decisions!)
How to choose: Decide on what is the right thing, the honorable, thing to do. Honorable to yourself, and your needs. Get real, Libra. Do it for yourself. Honor yourself.
For in your fourth house of your roots and new beginnings you have:
Awesome, life-saving Sun
Brilliant Mercury, planet of thought and communication
Ceres, asteroid of nurturing, unconditional love, and transitions
And an achieving new Capricorn Moon on Monday, December 30…
Trust your psychic insights when it comes to your domestic situation. Listen to what your gut is telling you. Therein the answer lies.
Your fourth house, traditionally ruled by security-loving Cancer, rules:
Your home
Any form of property
New beginnings
Your roots
Original family
Real estate
Your garden
Interesting behavior from your father
Finding that behavior not so enjoyable in your partner
Your opinion of yourself outside of work
Your ability to nurture others (and not resent it)
But what do you need to watch out for this happy holiday season?
Lucky Jupiter which has been retrograde turns direct in your ninth house of that which is far away on Tuesday, February 4, and opens the way for travel, particularly international travel, even for relocating at a distance. Until June 9, 2025, that is. This will give you an intense feeling of relief.
But, until then, until February 23, watch all the short fuses around you. Mars is in retrograde!
Sexy Mars is traditionally the Roman god of war – Ares in the Ancient Greek – and it affects us ALL. Right now, M1ars is in a particularly nasty retrograde, making everyone’s fuses extra short, making us impulsive, impatient, fiery, quick to offense (and to offend), and causing outright fights. Avoid confrontation during this retrograde. The retrograde can also make you tired, and you will require more rest. It began December 6 and lasts until February 23, 2025. Our environment is highly charged at this time, and you need to take extra good care of yourself. Take a breath before you speak or react – or post. Stay in peace.
Mars is closer to Earth when it retrogrades so its power is stronger on us. It is not as easy for arguments to blow over or for anger to subside. Mars reaches its peak in the cycle, which is its opposition with the Sun on January16, 2025, midway through the retrograde cycle when Mars is closest to Earth. It will feel like the world is on fire.
Full disclosure: I am most worried about Monday, January 6, an infamous anniversary for the U.S., when retrograde Mars will move into the country’s sun sign of Cancer. I am not looking forward to this day.
YOU need to watch out most for the full Moon of Monday, January 13 in your tenth house of career, as this is when it will be easiest for you to lose your temper. Your tenth house is your most public house so be careful your temper is not broadcast.
For more on the this, read my December 2024 Retrogrades in the “News” link (Home page) or here.
If you’re concerned about selling or renting a property, and it is taking too long, or a domestic change of any kind or a new enterprise is — please remember, it is going as fast as it’s going to go. It is perfect timing. And…
The longer you wait for it, the more you profit from it.
Please also be patient with, first and foremost, your public reputation, and, secondly, your career. Both these areas skyrocket forward – and positively – as March begins. There will be some genuine old-fashioned luck coming into your life, too. Many lucky breaks put you in a flattering spotlight.
Meanwhile, Saturn is bringing you to your knees in your sixth house of work and health. All physical matters are ruled by Saturn, there are no ways to avoid cause and effect. What you do matters. Everything you do matters. Saturn rules the karma that comes from everything you do.
If you need more money: look at how you’ve been spending your money. If are not in your ideal physical shape: look at how you’ve been eating and exercising (or not exercising.)
It has been very intense for you physically lately. The world’s illness, and craziness, joy restrictions, restrictions generally. It’s time to rid yourself of self-destructive habits, including worry and resenting others.
There are many resolutions that can be written for the new year, but there are one or two things which you’ve simply got to have. And with the power of Saturn’s manifestation, that which you work for, you will accomplish. It will be in the physical realm. You have got to believe this, Libra, and to have hope. Do not give up until it’s over.
All your hard work pays off. This January you must put yourself first. I hate to say it so bluntly, particularly to you. But it will help immensely with the decisions you need to make this month. You will be most concerned with home, property, and your family in terms of where you belong.
As January continues, major planets leave your fourth house of home and enter your fifth house of love and creating and pleasure. A much lighter time is coming. You get out of the house and go to more parties! Socializing is better in the latter part of the month than in the earlier part.
Yay! Libra finally achieves her balance!
Creativity and conception, love and play, are also blessed here – and into February.
You will have much to be proud of this January, dear Libra. You are basically restructuring your life from the bottom up. Act on what you know to be true to you – know yourself – and you cannot go wrong. You end up getting what you wish for.
P.S. Happy Holidays!
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Libra? Call now.
Or click here to email my assistant Viola:
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. — Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost
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