It’s a magical month for home and relatives, but hang tight until after September 16 when you have more answers. No worries: you’re doing a great job, Gemini! And you’re taking seriously the idea of improving your old age. Which for a Peter Pan like you is exemplary. Property matters figure strongly.
August 29 lovey Venus dances into your fun house and she provides the balm you require: Getting back in touch with long-lost friends, and enjoying them. For this, you should be very, very proud of yourself – and quit the stressing.
Don’t be overwhelmed by the changes going on around and in your home. Do you have papers all over your house? Clutter? Now would be a great time to finish cleaning up and getting things in order.
It will give you terrific energy, Gemini, do it!
You have tremendous support for this from other planets as well. In your fourth house of home and family you have: awesome, life-giving Sun, your brilliant ruler Mercury, sweet Venus, an exciting new Moon in Virgo on September 2, and asteroid Vesta, which ignites the fire that truly ignites your soul. This brings a wealth of new experiences and living your way!
All that your fourth house rules:
Family ties
Early roots
Abilities and traits passed down to you, mostly from your father
Your nurturing others emotionally
Your opinion of yourself separate from the business world
Real estate
Land & Agriculture
Conditions in your old age
Interestingly enough, this month you may feel a confirmation of a skill developed in a PAST life.
This Virgo new Moon September 2 is actually a fantastic time to begin some research on past family about this very skill. I have so often seen people born back into the same family, over and over, sharing and expanding their gifts.
You may find your past life in your very own family!
Try it, Gemini, what have you got to lose?
Although you’ve done better financially as of late, Saturn is asking that you work harder on your career.
It is time to let go of other people’s actions affecting how you feel about yourself. Or how you judge yourself. Just let all that go now!
Talk about lifting your self-esteem…Saturn has been making you feel burdened in what you have to do for this.
Discipline is the key to this month. As is holding onto what you have, and building on it. You will experience a great feeling of peace and relief.
You will feel like mama bear, taking care of her loved ones!
September brings assertiveness and courage as you go forward to claim what you want and deserve. The focus to dive back into those half-finished projects of yours.
Better to put September’s vigor into research and your natural love of learning than into confrontations and debates. Be careful not to pick fights mid-month or it could cost you dearly.
Also not to act rashly or impulsively.
The full Pisces Moon lunar eclipse on September 17 occurs in your tenth house – the zenith of your chart – and brings you quite a bit into the public eye! So watch that behavior and, at the same time, utilize that time to give your career a boost.
Speaking of your career…Aren’t you sick of people telling you not to worry?
You need a SPELL that tells you not to worry – that just takes it right away, actually.
Here it is.
Breathe in. Very deep.
Put your left hand over your heart.
Close your eyes.
Breathe in again, feeling your hand move as you breathe.
Worry, Begone!
Say it five times with five breaths.
Deep, deep, deep. Breathe in. And say as you breathe out:
Worry, Begone!
And it’s gone.
Dear Gemini, your self-esteem changes hourly. Without a stable base, we cannot function in the rest of the world fully.
So it is imperative that this trend reverse. Give yourself some peace. You deserve it.
Why haven’t I mentioned romance? Because you’re too busy worrying about the home, property, family thing? Well, the love and passion thing starts up again in September as Venus, then the Sun enter your fifth house of romance and fun.
True love and /or creative arts then receive a great upswing. And this eases all the responsibility you’ve been feeling in these areas brought about by Saturn.
Three weeks until the exceptional harvest…don’t you feel it coming?
Grown from all the seeds you have planted.
Lord knows, you have worked hard.
Dear Gemini, the heavens are smiling on you! You will do it.
I almost hesitate to even mention work as you will be so much more concerned with home, but it would be a good time to promote yourself and put yourself out there for long term (not short-term) results.
It’s the BEST time to clear up old papers, get your office into order, finish, revisit, and brainstorm on an old project, relationship, or idea.
You are being given the opportunity to clear up all that has not been at rest here. A joyful time of the heart is coming up for you, Gemini! Reunited with those you love, you’ll feel like you’ve come home.
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Gemini?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola:
Departing summer hath assumed
An aspect tenderly illumed,
The gentlest look of spring;
That calls from yonder leafy shade
Unfaded, yet prepared to fade,
A timely carolling.
– September, 1819 by William Wordsworth
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