Your ruler sexy Mars goes direct this Sunday, February 23, and so do you! You’ll feel a lot less irritable and disagreements with others cease. You make a fortune, actually, through your communications and online writing all the way through June 9, with Jupiter bringing money to your third house of words. Also, take and post current photos of yourself as beauty planet Venus is in your sign and your first house of looks until March 28, and you look at your best for the whole year now. Celebrate what you have to say — but in the privacy of your own space. For the end of February until March 20, you’ll require more rest than usual and a place, a retreat, you can call your own where you can meditate in solitude. Not an ideal three weeks for parties and socialising. That begins, and in a huge way, after March 20, continuing through your birthday season.
You have a whopping six planet forces in your twelfth house of the unconscious and healing, lasting, mainly, until March 20. Utilize the power of this while you can and plan a retreat for yourself! Or, at the very least, give yourself permission to say no to what might feel like invasions or aggressive energy aimed at you.
It’s also a chance to say goodbye to old wishes, and hello to new desires. Mid-March a dramatic lunar eclipse and full Moon occurs in your sixth house and a healing crisis may occur which forces you to slow down. Alternatively, your entire regime is upended.
You’re strong like the sun, Aries, but life can be harsh and you need some tender, loving care. You’ve been carrying the weight of many and while it does not show on your face – in truth, you’ve never looked lovelier – you do feel it. Physically, you may be feeling it most in your feet, toes, and your lymphatic system. (All that which Pisces, traditional ruler of the twelfth house, rules.) How you’re free, or not free, to move about and travel in your life. How restricted you are. There may be energy blockages, and possible anger suppression. As the universe only brings things up so you can deal with them and heal them, this sixth house eclipse, too, will be a marker for you – where to pay attention. Treatment you receive now and over the six months will reveal a great deal.
And even when you feel you can’t go on – you go on. Your inner powerhouse of reserves kicks in and keep zooming you forward.
I am paraphrasing your fellow genius Aries, the brilliant writer Samuel Beckett, born April 13, 1906. (Author of the epic “Waiting for Godot”; god knows how Aries hate to wait!) He famously wrote:
“I can’t go on. I’ll go on.”
That’s you, Aries. But until the last week of March – make it easier to go on. With so much planetary energy in your twelfth house of retreat, this is how you will replenish best – until the Sun enters your sign of Aries on Thursday, March 20 – by retreating and taking breaks by yourself. Before then, you will triumph, but only with your career’s help and spells of rest and recovery. Make sure you take time out after your time of being “on”, or literal performance.
For in your retreat house, you have currently supporting you:
Awesome, life-giving sun
Brilliant thought and communications planet Mercury
Dreamy Neptune
Nurturing Ceres
Wise Saturn
A New Pisces Moon on Thursday, February 27
And your twelfth house of healing, traditionally ruled by psychic Pisces, covers these areas of your life:
Your private life
Your unconscious or anima
Your psyche
Ideas and inspirations
Psychic gifts
Psychological renewal
The past, including past sorrows
Karma and past lives
Your innermost inner
Places of meditation
Places of confinement, including hospitals and prisons
Your last month has been a clunker on the head. For some of you, literally – as in, you banged your head. It’s about facing – you face with your head, right? – stuff you didn’t want to. Owning up to stuff, too. You’re receiving the consequences of past actions. But in March it becomes more enjoyable.
March brings you some of the best, and most amazing, ideas of your life. Write them down, please! Not everyone will be ready to hear or receive them, and I don’t want their unenthusiastic reception to discourage you in any way. This is pure brilliance time for your thinking, and it must not be dampened – nor your spirits.
In relationships, if you’re sad about how a certain situation is playing itself out, trust in your ability to cut the cord. You’ll be tying up a lot of loose strings to be able to move forward in the future. Also bear in mind that Venus is retrograde from Saturday, March 1 until Saturday, April 12. This is the healing time to mend bridges, take stock, and say goodbye some more. Venus Retrograde is also famous for bringing up exes. Traditionally, it’s not the time to begin a new relationship – UNLESS you’ve had a past relationship with them, and this includes past life relationships.
You are still, at heart, a person for the people, and you mustn’t forget that. But some crusaders have to fight alone and that’s what you’ve been doing.
Ultimately, March is your NO FEAR MONTH. You feel your magnificent creative powers again. Your unconscious is happily supported with a plethora of happy planets and career goes more smoothly as well. Pluto finally leaving your tenth public house of career after 15 long years should have given you relief from the professional disruptions you had to go through.
So, March is the Month of your Blessing. And you have the next three weeks to get ready to receive it.
Plan your time carefully. Remain self-protective. Now would be the perfect time for a deep reading. Practice some reading yourself; you’ll find your intuitive and psychic powers are powerfully activated right now. Most importantly, you will be healing.
Time for your own private session?
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Aries? Call now.
Or click here to email my assistant Viola:
Dear March – Come in – How glad I am –
I hoped for you before –
Put down your Hat – You must have walked
How out of Breath you are
Dear March, how are you, and the Rest –
Dear March, Come In by Emily Dickinson
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