Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds! So sang Aquarius legend Bob Marley. So true for YOU, fellow freedom-lover. With Pluto in retrograde in your sign, you’ve faced some powerful change. And are up, I hesitantly venture, for more. Only positive now in terms of connections with others, including all the contracts you make.
People from your past, including exes, will be popping up all over, as well as a new and very important relationship forming at the beginning of August. If you aren’t surprised by one person popping up in the next three weeks, I’ll eat my astrological hat.
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.
Something else the genius Aquarius said.
Despite the crazy partners, family, associates, all the best planetary action this month is happening in your seventh house of close partnerships.
Love partnerships. Business partnerships. Boyfriend, Girlfriend. Spouse. Legal contracts. Work agreements.
In here, you have: the golden Sun, a new silvery Moon August 4, brilliant Mercury, beauty queen Venus, and asteroid Vesta, revealing the fire that truly ignites your soul even in the most difficult times.
All that is ruled by your seventh house:
All partnerships, both in love and in business
Any kind of contract
Friendship and co-operation
Discussions about beauty and design
Now, in terms of work and discussions and contracts. And I mean whatever kind of contract – the marriage contract you have with your spouse, your property lease, your book contract, your unspoken contract with anyone (including those aliens):
You have been putting up with ONE situation for entirely too long, dear Aquarius.
It’s beginning to look a little sado-masochistic, if you ask me.
What is this desire you have to sacrifice yourself?
To punish yourself.
Is it because you think you have brains to spare?
Well, you do – but that’s not the point.
You need to re-negotiate this contract or agreement you have.
Only another Aquarius would treat you like you treat yourself. Oooh…is this a clue?
Remain on the same course. You are not meant to turn your back on that which you’ve been doing especially well.
Because you haven’t got the recognition you know you deserve.
This is you, Aquarius. Only you.
Self-worth and finances. We must speak of these.
You are comfortable where you are, but it is not the best place for you to be.
You are way too comfortable in the upside-down sacrificial position.
Humans were meant to walk upright.
Demand your true worth, dear Aquarius.
Or howl away to yourself.
And so you are to transport yourself in all your relationships and partnerships right now.
Keep your word. Respect your achievements. Be gracious and graceful.
This is a time of Offering (not of Sacrifice), and you will be blessed here.
I add my blessing!
You have to show enormous grace under pressure. But you can do it, Aquarius. Easy in your stride. No backing down.
In Love: If an earlier partner decision needs re-visiting, do it now.
In Work: Go ahead and sign that contract.
In Business: You need more money! Finis! Do I have to S-P-E-L-L it out?!
Marriage: Tiresome as ever. But So Worth It.
Career: You have a lot of competition in this field you’ve chosen. Watch your back. Fight for the privilege to work, and to be paid for that work.
You have been dealing in strange currency. Now it is 2016.
Freedom, freedom, freedom. The smell of it is so strong for you Aquarius that I feel giddy. It’s coming, it’s right around the corner, it’s almost here.
You have to smell it yourself. Sniff it out of the air if you have to. Draw it into your lungs and BREATHE!
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
I swear, Aquarius has had it harder than anyone lately. It may take using that great imagination of yours to even create the memory of freedom! That feeling you used to feel, once upon a time, remember? But it is coming, and it’s not an illusion.
Remember that it is Mercury retrograde soon, August 5 to 28 (with the Mercury retrograde shadow, really the whole month of August), and that everyone will be going through it. Be patient and compassionate.
Yours will be in back and forth between your seventh and eighth houses August 5 – August 28. It’s about your agreements with people.
And to help you and everyone get through it, and to provide an idea of what a Mercury retrograde IS, for those who still don’t know, I’m including a free Mercury Retro Protection Mitten and Guide! Click here, and have a laugh. We all need to during this election cycle. It’s going to be CRAZY. Share with others, spread some joy and laughter. Go on, click here!
Back to regular scheduled programming.
The beautiful Full Aquarius Moon on the night of August 19 is shining her beams all FOR YOU. Yep, directly into Aquarius, your sign, into your first house of SELF. Take it in. Remember all you used to be. And you will be renewed.
This is what you gotta do to help it along. It’s all in the area of your first house.
Your first house rules:
Your persona
Your Self, your id
Your Body
How you’re perceived
Your public image
Your profile on social media
Your impression on others when you first meet
Because Pluto retrograde is also in your sign and your first house, any of the above can change quite suddenly and shockingly. This will not cease for some time, due to your need to learn how to deal with fluctuations, dear Aquarius. Until March 8, 2043. So that’s nineteen years. You are going to be such a wise woman!
Finally, it is time to really re-connect with a very close friend, who you may have abandoned in the past.
Remember, you have lotto lucky Jupiter in your fifth house of fun and creativity until June 2025. Use its luck and profit well and try re-connecting that way. You’re more missed than you know.
U.S. ELECTION: My prediction from November 14, 2016:
“The male is handing his cup, literally, his presidency, to the female.”
Read all my predictions – going up to April 2026 – here on the Home page, “Predictions for the U.S.A.”:
Are you ready for your own reading, dear Aquarius?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola: viola@madalynaslan.com
The future is space, earth-colored space, cloud-colored, color of water, air, black space with room for many dreams — Pablo Neruda.
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