A wind at your back, with the blue waves finally going in your direction. Swelling to a genuine celebration, your fourth house of home and property. Working hard to get to this point, you can finally take time to enjoy it. The new Scorpio Moon on Friday, November 1 joins life-giving Sun (your ruler, mais oui!) and a host of other lucky planets in your fourth house of home and property. A new and positive chapter is beginning in this area.
A new chapter which is of your own creation. That which you have created from your own talent, skill, experience, memory, and effort. Now you will be asked to show it off! Kind of like a royal coronation… Every Leo’s home, even when they are children, is their castle.
Leo, you are so amazing, and I have missed being with you! I think of your capacity for joy and beauty, and it always gives me joy.
You are so talented at what you do. Please don’t ever stop doing what you do.
You’ve been soberly getting things done, but as my mama (Leo ascendant) used to say, all Leos should have a good howl this month.
Leo Jupiter Soren Kierkegaard wrote: Life is a hard teacher; she gives the test first, the lesson after.
It’s the best advice you could take – and act on – this November. And look how brilliantly you’ve been following it all along. Now take time out for yourself, to sit in your favorite spot in your home, to journal, to day dream, to look out the window, to go deep, deep, deep inside yourself. Replenish and think anew – and come back to us in December. Mars is stirring up your unconscious house of ideas – until November 3 – like nobody’s business.
The amazing news as October ends is that your private life really is becoming happier and happier. You don’t have to bravely repeat “the show must go on” and hide away your tears – or any emotions anymore. You will have more inner sustenance than you knew you had and you will replenish yourself from your own personal reserves of joy.
Of which there are MANY. Never fear. Leo never really runs out.
Leo, ruled by the Sun, you are the shining star and because of this you will often put on a great show in public – and then want to cry in private. Worry about your home or a property matter has been giving you pause, if not outright bumps in the road – but who would really know?
The astrological hot spot, as this horoscope begins, is the area or areas ruled by your personal fourth house where most of your planetary action is going on.
You have been so massively successful out there, performing in the world – many of you have just put on the world’s greatest show, actually – and now it is time to pay more attention to what is happening inside. The fourth house is your most personal and private house.
In this house you have:
Your ruler, life-saving awesome Sun
Analytical thought and speech planet brilliant Mercury
Adoring, devoted Juno
A very intuitive – spooky Scorpio – new Moon on Friday, November 1 (just in time for Halloween!)
And your fourth house, traditionally ruled by private Cancer, rules:
Real estate
Your roots
Your original family
Genetic gifts
Inherited behavior from your father
Finding that behavior not so enjoyable in your partner
Your garden and land
Your opinion of yourself outside of work
Your ability to nurture others (and not resent it)
I feel you have found and are in the right place for you. You will decide on a domestic change which is much more practical for everyone involved, and will implement it soon. However minor, it will make a restful difference. Let your mind be calmed by what is kind – soothing – music. Or by other quick minds. Yes, playfulness is in order right now. However exhausted you may feel, you still have tons of energy when it comes to being in the right place, surrounded by people who adore you.
Remember, Leos have more fans than any other sign of the Zodiac! You do begin to remember this. And how welcome that is, after what feels like treading water for so long. The fears and hard work you have been fearing are finally over.
You might want to seriously consider upping your business for the sake of future security. Also, because you seem to have been spending an awful lot of money lately. Extravagance is a natural Leo trait – and you do it so well! – but I just want to prepare you for some unexpected hiccups coming up with your partner after November 11.
This concerns your resources with another. Whether it be shared expenses with your spouse, a business partnership, or family money, you can expect the unexpected here over the next few months. Nothing tragic, mind you. With Saturn in your eighth shared resources house I can see how worried you’ve been. Not your usual fun and easy self. Love itself being a lot of hard work for once.
Any distance you have felt with a partner is remedied by November’s stars. What a relief!
Single Leos will draw plenty of admirers, and the choice is yours. Ironically, attached Leos may do best with these stars because there will be so much emphasis on home and on staying in together.
If you can do this with your new relationship(s), all the better! Dinners in each others’ homes…movie night, perhaps, on the sofa…simply hanging out in each other’s company, around the house…
Remember: Communicating is your lucky touch, and extra-blessed for another full year. Don’t sit around your house moping and looking away from this potential fortune!
You shine in career mid-month, with a full fat Taurus Moon shining in your public tenth house. Friday, November 15. Sending a spotlight, if you will, onto you. A spotlight of fame, a spotlight of acknowledgment of professional achievement. Because this full Moon is in Taurus, a solid, material, earth sign, material rewards will be involved in your recognition. A promotion, a raise, more funds for your art or business, an increased check.
With Pluto recently going direct you are going to be much more realistic about your work, and how it affects your health, and are going to make some important decisions about this. You will speak up more about your “conditions”, as you should, and you will be heard. Pluto is in its last month of being in your sixth house. It leaves here Tuesday, November 19, to enter your seventh house, never to return in your lifetime. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Every planet on its way out likes to deliver its final lesson, a final kick, and Pluto is no exception. So you can expect some rocky health news over the next month.
Just make sure to listen elsewhere too…then sweet music comes.
Are you ready for your private reading, dear Leo?
Please click here to email my assistant Viola: viola@madalynaslan.com
The naked, silent trees have taught me this,
The loss of beauty is not always loss!
– November by Elizabeth Stoddard
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